Rip this one apart my friends.


Apr 29, 2008
Super special thanks to Black Neon Bob for the snare and kick samples in this. A friend of mine was back home visiting from college and we wanted to do a song, and we just threw this together one day, so it's pretty generic. I also had to undertake the screams on this and I am just no good at it so please forgive me! haha

by the way, I clearly need help with the vocal processing, so any tips on that especially are appreciated greatly.
Hey cool song Clowd!

Few things i noticed, intro rips and that scream is really cool man.. nice.
The screams you do seem to have a cheap reverb on them though, or a really short springy delay not sure what im hearing, but i think you could have a look at that and try some different settings, also, his vocals are much louder then the screams, turn up the screams!

Kick drum could do with some nudging if you want it to sound more "real".

That's about all i can think of right now.. cool stuff.
Not a fan of the kick, way too click and the guitars don't cover that up at all. Everything sounds very digital (guitars and drums). There isn't much lows or lowmids in this either, but a bass guitar might fix that. (wait..nvm there is one I think? But its only in the sub frequencies, if possible try and get some higher frequencies).

You're not a bad screamer, the intro scream is good but there is too much reverb that wrecks it. You don't want to hear the reverb really, you just want the reverb to make it sound like the vocals are at a bit of a distance, not directly, painfully in your ear. I think your vocals not being seated is coming from them having quite a lot of low-mids and very little low-mids in anything else, but thats a guess. Vocals can be pretty heavily compressed without sounding too bad as long as you set the attack and release right. In a mix I just did I had the threshold at like -36db and with an attack of about 3-5 ms. Not sure about release. Also I really hate the distortion on screams, I think screams sound a lot better without, but if its the only way you can cover up your 'bad' screams (I don't think they're that bad) then I guess keep them.
Gang vocals - I'd do them into a mic one at a time rather than all-at-once (is that what I'm hearing?). You've got the room sound + the massive reverb and they sound like crap. Record a bunch of them and pan them a bit so they're all across L->R and compress them lots, also might want to chuck in some SLIGHT distortion.

I'm hearing a bit of pumping with the cymbals too. They also sound kinda dull, perhaps in comparison to everything else which is really bright.

Sorry if I ripped into it a bit much, but you asked me too ;p