Ripper or Barlow? That is(n't) the question.

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Walter_Langkowski said:
That about sums me up! :Spin: Iced Earth IS Matt Barlow!

Jon Shaffer is Iced Earth. Barlow was merely singer #3. That's all I'll remember the shit witch as anyway. But I do think that Barlow is a great person. He was all "I'm ditching this band to go kill bad people". That would rule to be riding a motercycle at 1000 miles per hour, the have a bullet go through your shoulder, and you fall to the ground, and when the dust settles you look up and see Barlow standing above you with a speeding ticket, and a sword, so you take the ticket and shake his hand and say "It was an honor sir, but Ripper would OWN you!"

"Pig Pen, this is Breaker 19, looks like we got ourselves a convoy!"
Barlow is a goofy, whiny fuck. Tim Owens is absolutely captivating, his performance totally fucking blew me away when I saw them live. He did an excellent job with Judas Priest, and to remind all you idiots out there, he was NOT the one responsible for the songwriting on Jugulator and Demolition.

I feel bad for Metal Immortal, he's taking a lot of backlash from all these fanboys who apparently like to pleasure themselves to Barlow's innane bellowing on shit songs like "Watching Over Me". Tim Owens is METAL, Barlow sounds like the fat guy at a broadway show. I could never take him seriously for the same reason that I can never take James "Waylon Jennings Fan" Hetfield seriously.
I was at first disappointed with Matt Barlow's leaving Iced Earth and I didn't really know what to expect with Tim Owens. I have the new album with the Ripper and I am very impressed, I might goes as far to say that he might make IE go further than they could have with Barlow. Barlow is one of my favorite vocalist but I think Ripper will extend the power of Iced Earth.
Metal Immortal's a fool. Ripper sucks my ass.

theodyssey said:
Ripper is a no talent hack in my oppinion. He banks on being in a priest cover band (which just happened to be titled "Judas Priest", but it was still a cover band) and while very good at that, he can't do much else. When i saw him live with iced earth, he not only sucked, he raped and desicrated the classics. There were very few barlow era songs that didn't sound like the crooning of a whore found out that she had crabs. no thanks, give me the man with balls back (Because i like balls! see Team america world police for that reference). Barlow had emotion, ripper sounds like a whiny bitch IMO. Yes, he had his moments on TGB which were in fact awesome, but most of it was no good.

This is quite true my son.
How in the FUCK is Ripper a "no talent hack"?! I'd give ANYTHING to have a set of pipes like his, he has one of the most powerful voices in Metal today.
Jean-Pierre said:
How in the FUCK is Ripper a "no talent hack"?! I'd give ANYTHING to have a set of pipes like his, he has one of the most powerful voices in Metal today.
Anyone can scream as if kicked in the balls. It just takes a little effort... or being kicked in the balls.

AS for metal immortal, i dont recal ever trying to impress you with my debate skills... oh well, i guess another night of sleep lost because someone on a forum reminds me that i can't debate without using naughty language :Smug:
Jean-Pierre said:
How in the FUCK is Ripper a "no talent hack"?! I'd give ANYTHING to have a set of pipes like his, he has one of the most powerful voices in Metal today.

I'm glad somebody besides me and Toten agree on things around here.

Insidious Tangerine said:
Metal Immortal's a fool. Ripper sucks my ass.

David, I expected more from you than this...
theodyssey said:
Anyone can scream as if kicked in the balls. It just takes a little effort... or being kicked in the balls.

Now that I can plainly see that you're an idiot with no ear for music whatsoever, I'll remember to disregard anything you post.
Jean-Pierre said:
Now that I can plainly see that you're an idiot with no ear for music whatsoever, I'll remember to disregard anything you post.

Yeah. Theodyssey pisses me off with every thing he writes. He's capable of nothing but childish flaming. I don't know about you guys, but getting kicked in the balls doesn't make me feel much like singing.
Honestly, I can't understand why you would think that Ripper is better for Iced Earth than Barlow. There is a lot of truth in saying that Barlow is Iced Earth, even though Jon has been in the band since the begining and has written almost every song, the frontman of a band is really the person you identify as that band. Barlow's voice fits excatly with jon's style of writting and his style of playing. I got TGB because I said to myself, I really like Iced Earth, and I'm willing to give this album a chance. Unfortunately I never got to the end of the cd, because I couldn't deal with what seemed to be the same song over and over with the guitar being louder or softer in the background of different ones. (Granted some of the songs were pretty kick ass, but as a whole the best part of the vocals was matt singing backup)

I don't think that either one of them is necessarily better than the other, but in the case of Iced Earth I don't think Barlow has been matched as of yet. This of course is my opinion but seems to also be the opinion of a lot of posts on this thread as well.
Tim Owens is my favourite singer ever. Anyone who disagrees with how unbelievably awesome he is, feel free to do so, but be warned..........................You WILL go to hell when u die. His voice in its natural range reminds me of a slightly smoother voiced Dio.... he has so many shades to his voice..... just listen to Demolition the last album he did with Priest. The songwriting bites ass sometimes.... but how can u think he has a voice that sounds like he's been kicked in the balls??? He's got one of the ballsiest voices I've ever heard!
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