I heard the album the other day. I have to say it's not a "bad" live album. However, as Sydo said, its kinda boring. It just isn't necessary really, there's nothing really special about it, so I mean if you were in the mood for listening to a Maiden live album, you'd put on Live After Death obviously not that. ALso there is way too much from BNW on Disc 1, I would only want to listen to disc 2 I think.

I saw the videos on it though... Brave New World's video looked great. But I am guessing that was the TV broadcast version whereas the DVD is re-edited by Steve.
Originally posted by The Trooper
ALso there is way too much from BNW on Disc 1, I would only want to listen to disc 2 I think.

If it wasn't for Wrathcild coming in at track 4, I would have thrown the thing out the car window (or at least taken it straight back to the shop).

And.. WRATHCHILD!! Come on :rolleyes: When that song is the savior of the first 25 minutes, somethings wrong. (not that it's a bad song ;) )
I love The Wicker Man - it just rules. But it just does nothing for me on RiR. I thought it must be because I've listened to it too much - but I've heard Wrathchild a million times more and it kills on rio :eek:

What does all this mean? It means the new material is not holding up like the old stuff - it's just not as good :cry:
Because the new songs are missing the SPIRIT of the old stuff in my opinion. No matter how musically dazzling something can be, unless it has some real attitude or metal spirit driving the song, I can get bored with it very quickly. This is the main reason most of the stuff I listen to is from the '80s and why I love glam. Most recent stuff just lacks that something special that makes the music enjoyable on a level that goes deeper than just liking the melodies or riffs or whatever... it doesn't have that special spirit or feeling lol.

W.A.S.P. is such a musically simple album, but I never get bored of it because it's so exciting and nasty, etc... Whereas bands like Dream Theater are musically dazzling but have nothing going for them besides "wow they are good musicians and that is a very well written song" in my opinion.
Jeez... the bootleg video is awesome... it'll be a hell of a shame if they've taken something that was already good and made it cheesy and lame.

Then again they kinda already did that with the whole "cut and paste" debacle...

I think I'll wait until someone else buys it and watch theirs first, before I decide to buy it or not.
I bought it today at amazon. It should arrive tomorrow or thursday. I'm really looking forward to it. It just can't get worse than the Donington 1992 video. :)

I really think that it will kick ass.
The whole point of RIR was the CROWD dammit! Forget the bands performance, I mean, who cares? :)
Yeah, but it was more of a commemoration thing, like the Donington one I think.

Plus a massive money maker for them, but thats beside the point. Or is it? :)