RiR Easter eggs?!?!

Tough As Steel

a.k.a. Aussie Dave
Feb 12, 2002
Visit site

from the official IM BB, the first post has some hints on how to view snippets of the band doing silly stuff that isnt in the menu.

I actually couldnt find the one of Bruce talking about his house, but rather one of Bruce saying something to a camera while on stage, and another of him moving in front of a TV with some stupid show on it. There was a 3rd one as well, but i cant remember it now, and it randomly played these 3 different bits from the same spot in the menu.

Has anyone played around and found anything different to these?
Easter - better than Christmas, thanks to Easter Eggs!

Yeah, i dont know why hidden extra's are called Easter Eggs? Maybe because traditionally, Easter Eggs would be hidden and youd have to go look for them.

But seriously, has anyone had a look at these extras on RiR? Some of them are quite funny, but they only go for 5 seconds. The quick interview with Kevin Shirley was good, at least i know what he looks like now.
I might buy the DVD this week....I was planning on picking up the Eddie I lay-buyed, but I might get the DVD instead...

The term 'Easter Eggs' doesn't just apply to DVDs though, they use them in computer programs and the like. I guess thats where the term came from, 'hidden goodies'...

If you have a DVD player that has chapter selection (can go to any part of the DVD disc..) Easter Eggs are ALOT easier to find. :)
Here is the easter eggs list for RiR

Access The Egg
Disc 2: Main Menu,go down to Photo Diary. Arrow left. You'll see a small face of Eddie in bottom left corner. Click enterand you'll ge comments from Kevin "Caveman" Shirley.

Also enter "The Band" Section go to Dave Murray.click up Eddie's face will appear in top right corner. Click enter. Same thing for Janick Gers. Go to Days Off arrow up and Eddie's face (again) will appear in bottom left corner. Click enter for funny comments.

On Disc 2 enter "The Band" section, hit enter on Nicko McBrain. Go to where it says "The Band" on the left hand corner and arrow down and Eddie's face will appear. Click enter on Eddie's face for a few extra seconds of a drunk and funny Nicko McBrain.
And if you repeat this Easter Egg again you will get a different clip of Nicko.