
Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
What do people do for easter?

Traditionally in Sweden there's not very much christian about it these days, people used to do fuck shit on Friday because Christ died and all of that... I, on the other hand, being a heavy metal motherfucker used that day a good many years ago to venture into the realm of the drunk for the very first time, and noone really care these days at all... Just another day off work, joy!

Also, we eat lots of candy and family dinners are popular. And we paint/eat lots of eggs for some reason I've never really grasped but eggs are tasty so let's keep rollin rollin wurd.

Today I got shitloads of candy from work+quit around 12.30 or so, and this evening is spend heavy metalling and beering with me lass, and I have a feeling I might get lucky quite soon.

I honor the original spirit of the holiday's pagan origins by fucking my girlfriend. Lots.

Other than that, I try to stay away from all the obnoxious Hypochristians who get pious three days of the year and try to push their guilt on the rest of us.
family dinners, candy, and good alcohol is what i am used to. silly people waste time at church all day, but my family isn't about that at all.
That's cool, though. Unfortunately most of my family is either psychotically religious or shallow and pretentious, so the dinner thing died out quite a few years ago. To get us all in a room requires epic quantities of booze, and the result is usually fisticuffs between any number of persons.




On Friday we have the Epitaph Ceremony and procession: women in black cloaks "mourning", candles, big crosses and standards. It's one of the DOOM-ier experiences someone can have, if done properly.
How could I forget?? This was supposed to be the point of my initial post; Little girls (And boys for that matter) dress up as witches and go around gathering free candy from nice hellthrashers such as myself. They are cute. Origins from the witches gathering at Blåkulla on this day to dance and have crazy sex with children (whom they brought ont heir flying broomsticks of course), animals, eachother and the devil. How that translates into candy for kids I do not know, but I like both candy and crazy sex, though I haven't tried with either of the previously mentioned categories nor do I intend to but hey, everyone does what he can to honor the devil and the execution of the son of god.
@dill: If i will go this year, sure, but i probably wont because this is not that good in the big city, than it is in small towns or villages (where i spent more easter holidays, except this one now..fuck).
Some kind of family gathering I presume, other than that I'll sit around listening to my enormous somewhat rebuilt LP collection (14 :oops: ).
I was going to go see 1349, Nachtmystium, Goatwhore, and some others Saturday night. I don't think I will, though. I'll probably sit home, have some drinks with the wife, and hope to get lucky.

When she goes to bed early and I am lefty feeling rather unlucky, I will head downstairs, have another drink or three, get wasted, pretend I am still fairly relevant in some way, listen to metal, possibly surf some porn, deny a bunch of friend requests on myspace from fuckers that have no place calling themselves metal, read the RC threads and subsequently leave feeling woefully inadequate in terms of my metal knowledge, and then pass out. Somewhere in there I will likely eat some Tostitos and dip.