How Bad Is Your Diet?

So I'm down to 190 pounds again, which means I'm safely below the 200 pound club, but acid reflux is still kicking my ass and my gut remains intact. Not much else excess body fat currently, which is good. 175 pounds was what I weighed when I graduated high school and I was a god damn rail back then, with a smaller ribcage (my bones didn't completely stop growing until I was 19, but then my beergut began to blossom as well). So my goal is around 180. Last time I was that skinny was a few years ago and I was fucking cold during the "winters" here WTF. I've lost weight a lot more gradually this time, last time I went from a multi-year-human-sludge-factory 225 to a svelte 180 in just a few months... and then slowly gained most of it back. I didn't follow through with the Lifestyle Change, I was more On A Diet. :Smug:

This time, the more I go, the less I eat. Snacking is almost gone. Carb intake is very low other than beer. Full size meals are once a day now instead of thrice. Amazing how my energy level is actually higher the less food I consume. That whole gas tank on full method of eating is retarded. If you feel full, you didn't eat too much, you ate way too fucking much. So now I've mostly grown accustomed to eating a lot less and not panicking by feeling hungry. That being said I had a bacon cheeseburger, french fries, iced cream, and half a beer last night. :Spin:

A proper day is oatmeal and yogurt in the morning, piece of fruit and some random small bar at lunch, and then a half-size dinner (mostly veggies, some meat). That half-size dinner can be tough, and I certainly fucking adore beer on the weekends, but I'm getting better and more permanent with my changes.

A proper day is oatmeal and yogurt in the morning, piece of fruit and some random small bar at lunch, and then a half-size dinner (mostly veggies, some meat).

Good for you for what you've accomplished!!! That being said, I would DIE (or at least be very grumpy) if the above was all I ate in a day. Breakfast is similar to yours, either oatmeal with yogurt or milk, or cereal, or a peanut butter sandwich, and I usually have carrots or a banana on the side. Lunch is another peanut butter sandwich and carrots or a banana, or sometimes some kind of bbq grilled chicken concoction in a bowl. I snack several times a day on cheese or almonds or a glass of Ovaltine or a fiber bar. No more Clif Bars; they got to be too expensive. Aldi fiber bars ftw! Dinner is either a Healthy Choice steamer bowl or some other kind of "healthy" heat-up, or more grilled chicken, plus steamed veggies and/or beans on the side. I sometimes make spinach salads with grilled chicken for dinner if we have spinach. If I'm feeling really lazy, like I was today, then dinner is a roast beef or turkey footlong from Subway with lots of spinach and tomatoes on it. No matter what meal it is I always strive to have some protein and vegetables or fruit. All this and I still need to weigh more than I do. Hmmm.

I use the microwave way too much but oh well.

Still gorge myself at IHOP every Friday. NY cheesecake pancakes :worship::worship::worship:
i dont wanna start a "thing" here but:

Carb intake is very low [...] oatmeal and yogurt in the morning, piece of fruit and some random small bar at lunch

I eat anything I want, about to have Yoshinoya in a few. I'm active as all fuck, so it all balances out. Tonight for instance, I'm getting paid to walk around campus like a Fife with my thumb up my ass. 3 hours in the office, pissing time on RC, 1 hour lunch, 4 hours walking like a damn tard. Pin me, pay me, call me Al Snow, I'm here for the J.O.B. [/Nerd reference]
So I'm down to 190 pounds again, which means I'm safely below the 200 pound club, but acid reflux is still kicking my ass and my gut remains intact. Not much else excess body fat currently, which is good. 175 pounds was what I weighed when I graduated high school and I was a god damn rail back then, with a smaller ribcage (my bones didn't completely stop growing until I was 19, but then my beergut began to blossom as well). So my goal is around 180. Last time I was that skinny was a few years ago and I was fucking cold during the "winters" here WTF. I've lost weight a lot more gradually this time, last time I went from a multi-year-human-sludge-factory 225 to a svelte 180 in just a few months... and then slowly gained most of it back. I didn't follow through with the Lifestyle Change, I was more On A Diet. :Smug:

This time, the more I go, the less I eat. Snacking is almost gone. Carb intake is very low other than beer. Full size meals are once a day now instead of thrice. Amazing how my energy level is actually higher the less food I consume. That whole gas tank on full method of eating is retarded. If you feel full, you didn't eat too much, you ate way too fucking much. So now I've mostly grown accustomed to eating a lot less and not panicking by feeling hungry. That being said I had a bacon cheeseburger, french fries, iced cream, and half a beer last night. :Spin:

A proper day is oatmeal and yogurt in the morning, piece of fruit and some random small bar at lunch, and then a half-size dinner (mostly veggies, some meat). That half-size dinner can be tough, and I certainly fucking adore beer on the weekends, but I'm getting better and more permanent with my changes.


That's awesome man.

Whilst at the Agalloch show the gf leaned over and said "Wow, Nad looks a lot thinner than the last Agalloch show".

I'm also not sure if I ever introduced you by your proper name and not just as NAAAAAD
Yea Nad, you look to be in good health, keep it up. Still don't know how you lads survive eating like birds though. Had the following yesterday...

2 Chicken/Beef Fajita Burritos
Vat of Ceviche
2 Protein Shakes (whey, skim milk, greek yogurt, banana)
1 Muscle Milk
Yoshinoya Chicken Bowl with a Side of Beef Only
Chicken Parmesan TV Dinner
2 eggs, 4 Sausage Patties, Corn Beef Hash
i dont wanna start a "thing" here but:

Oops I think I meant "bread" instead of "carbs" there. Or who fucking knows really, got that one wrong obviously. I don't really pay attention to things I say sometimes. :err:

Whilst at the Agalloch show the gf leaned over and said "Wow, Nad looks a lot thinner than the last Agalloch show".

I'm also not sure if I ever introduced you by your proper name and not just as NAAAAAD

I was 188 pounds this morning, hooray! I also enjoyed Sunday breakfast (at noon) and ate a shitton of waffles, hooray!
179 this morning. Haven't been this skinny since 18.

Still eat a lot of chocolate. Not so much bread though.
Daaaayyum! How tall are you?
5'11" so according to the BMI I'm still overweight! :Smug:

I still have some extra fudge in the middle, but not a whole lot.

My goal was 185 but I still feel like I should lose another 5 to 10 pounds.

Can one still be anorexic even with a beer gut? :loco:
Just cuz yer solid muscle. :loco:

I was up to 225 at one point:


Mostly uncooked sausage.