How Bad Is Your Diet?

lurch70 said:
supposedley it is not switching to hard liqour, but to clear, non colored spirits that are pure ... if you drink to begin with, which we all do
This sounds like it came from the same school of thought as "vodka won't give you a hangover because it's clear." :loco:
lol, how did you guys find this shitty thread?
anyway, ive been jerking off alot lately.
dorian gray said:
lol, how did you guys find this shitty thread?
anyway, ive been jerking off alot lately.
hahaha oh man this made me laugh harder than anything I've read here in weeks. Good show old man!
lost about 4 lbs. already since Sunday ... fuckin A :kickass:

was 261/2 ... now about 255/6 .. my scale is a tad off.

eating has not been that bad either ... certainly do not feel hungry.
drinking water like crazy and pissing like a race horse ... and my energy level is up ... my head is less cloudy also.

curious how far I can go with this ...
Drinking loads of water is definitely a good habit to get into though. I have THE weakest bladded though, so like you, it just makes me need to piss every half an hour.

Don't expect to lose 4 pounds every week, haha, it's always like that at first. But good going anyway! I've put on quite a lot of weight in the last couple of months, so am really going to try and improve my diet and do more exercise starting now.
ugh! Today for lunch my department decided to take a break and hang out at a park.. and we stopped by Mc Donalds. Grabbed a Big Mac since I hadn't been to Mc Donalds in such a long time, and talk about GROSS... man, how can people eat that crap daily.
eatin burger king right now.

but i do try to drink loads of cran- juices because they clear out all the shit in your system. any claories i eat are usually lost while at work.

its funny, i gained prolly 15-20 pounds while doing my lame desk job, and have lost about 20 pounds since working for lowes. exercise is great.
yeah, i hate macdonald's... their chicken breast burger dealie isn't too bad as lng as you tell them not to put any sauce on it... but even that is gross and greasy