How Bad Is Your Diet?

this morning ...
2 eggs, bacon, home fries, toast

in between
some mini entermans coconut doughnuts
sunflower seeds (for the spittin' gypsy in me)

chicken salad hero with mustard and red onions
Typical breakfast is a peanut butter sandwich and baby carrots. Typical 2nd breakfast is a Clif Bar and more baby carrots. Typical lunch is another peanut butter sandwich and an orange. Typical dinner is a footlong sub from Subway, or a homemade BBQ grilled chicken sandwich with carrots or a sweet potato, or a Healthy Choice steamer bowl with a sweet potato. And that's it really; don't have much time to experiment. OH, but every Friday night I have a bacon & egg cheeseburger, hash browns, and chocolate chip pancakes at IHOP :Spin:
I'm pretty much a healthfag these days. I think I go to a burger joint about once a month, otherwise I'm very good. Mostly organic, no microwaves, no fast food, lots of fruits and veggies, enough meat to give me protein, minimal pork. Little to no processed crap. No fucking bullshit like high fructose corn syrup or hydrogenated insta-cancer garbage. I don't have strict rules about it though, so if I break with tradition every so often, I don't mind.

I eat a shitload of chocolate though. I'll give up booze before you pry chocolate out of my cold, dead, hands. But it's expensive fair trade shit, which is healthier. For the planet. :loco:
I have basically cut out red meat, pork, pasta, eggs and cheese from my diet. But yesterday I ate an entire large pizza with pepperoni and Italian sausage (every slice dipped in ranch). I hate my life again.
i eat basically no bread, pasta, rice or potatoes, and nothing with added sugar

i eat a shitload of meat and veggies and eggs and butter and whatever

though sometimes i be burgin
I eat pretty healthy
Still have a hard time losing weight.
Im constantly hungry, but just fight through it.
Now that it's nice out I can do alot of bike riding so I can get under 180 again.
This summer is going to be the Summer of Dorian. No classes. Just working out. I'm getting labs drawn and a full physical in May. And a vasectomy.
you can't work out any longer once you get a vasectomy ... didn't your doc tell you?

this upcoming snipping could also explain your self felatting dream :lol:
im jealous. i want a vasectomy.

working out? i thought you hate working out?

get one.

I like working out. Lifting is just really boring.
For me, it's more a matter of looking forward to not sitting on my ass reading textbooks. I don't know if I'm even going to go back to lifting. I seriously feel like my joints are fucked. I'll probably do tons of bike riding and soccer.
you can't work out any longer once you get a vasectomy ... didn't your doc tell you?

this upcoming snipping could also explain your self felatting dream :lol:

haha that dream was idea where it came from
watching too much porn lately maybe
i had some seriously spicy rice + lamb + mystery sauces from local street Pakistani vendor.

goddamn yummy!