How Bad Is Your Diet?

dorian gray said:
@Zod: i got a 13 lb bag of optimum serious mass from for $33. it's got 1250 cal per serving with 16 servings per bag. 50 g of protein per serving. sounds like a good value; should arrive in a couple days.
Optimum is a quality company. At 1,250 calories per serving, it sounds more like a weight gainer than a meal replacement. Is that what you're looking for?

cthulufhtagn said:
oh man, i put so much salt on everything. does salt raise or lower your bp? whichever it is, yeah, that. a lot.
raises it. but your body should compensate by making you drink more water. it's not like your BP will spiral out of control. overall though, sodium is just not good for you. a lifetime of high-salt-usage would do some damage.
General Zod said:
Optimum is a quality company. At 1,250 calories per serving, it sounds more like a weight gainer than a meal replacement. Is that what you're looking for?

glad to hear that. i dont recognize any of the companies anymore. maybe wieder but thats it. and yeah, its a weight gainer rather than a meal replacement. im figuring more "value" in the weight gainers versus anything else. obviously the bulk of the calories comes from carbs (compared to say, opticen) but i'm cool with that. i also welcome the fat content. no worries here. im just trying to maintain 190 lb as cheaply and healthy as possible. if i gain some weight, thats cool. i know theres compromise involved.
haha, at least youre honest in that you didnt read the thread. aside from asking how shitty everyones diet is, i decided to change mine around and start eating right. i pulled out all the shit i used to do when i lifted heavily and came up with a diet that will provide all the calories i need to support a 29 year old 190-200 pounder. one of my goals was to do it as cheaply as possible while still maintaining reasonable "health". im going with a weight gainer because it's packed with calories and is relatively inexpensive - around 16 cents per 100 cals. all said and done, ill be getting around 2500 quality calories per day for less than $5.

btw: ive had some of that naked shit. went straight through me. unpleasant.
You can really get all the calories you need throughout the day for pretty damn cheap.

Chicken Breast. $12 will feed you for a week.
Oatmeal - The unflavored kind is dirt cheap
Tuna Can - Not the albacore kind. The pussy smelling shit. 2 cans for a buck. Each can has 37 grams of protein.
Rice- 1 dollar a bag
A bag of beans- a dollar or two per bag
Milk 2 gallons for $4
Buy that 10 lb bag of optimum nutrition whey I suggested and it'll last you easily 10 weeks. (If not more, I don't count) Take one in the morning, 1 before bed, 1 somewhere inbetween. Thats 600 calories right there. If you're not working out you need 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight. If you're working out shoot for 1.5 to 2 grams.

Not too hard on your wallet. But yea you'll spend alot of time in the kitchen. So hook up a cd player next to the blender.
hahaha, classssic post. "the pussy smelling shit"
but yeah, that list is pretty much what im eating. minus the tuna (that stuff is gross) and plus organic milk (about twice the cost of the cheap shit). beans cant be beat as far as value but need to soak for a looooong time.
you can get a bag of krogers chicken tits for about 85 cents per piece. 32g of pro each. not bad.
dont fo'get yer fruits and vegetables. not cheap and virtually no caloric value but they gots that there fiber and what-have-ya
ok, so I officially went on a diet today with another guy from work for support.
he did the Atkins a few years ago and dropped 25 lbs. in about 3 months which is really my goal.

so far today, cut out all bread, potatoes, soft drinks and sugar ... started taking some multivitamin.

felt like shit in the afternoon, but feel ok now ... i can give up all easily, but sweets will be tough, especially since Maren keeps sending me the goods :loco:
working out is next in a few weeks ... I just hate indoor workouts ... so with the summer here, will hit the bicycle again, serious swimming and looking to take up tennis, which is full body workout in itself.
Yeah I'd rather do outdoor shit instead of the Doormaster and Chairmaster, but at least there's a lot of half naked 17 year old slutz to see at the gym. :loco:
yeah, the gym is great for gawking ...

oh yeah, and no more beer for me ...
stictly clear spirits ... :kickass:
Fuck all that. I did the whole "switch to hard liquor for less calories" thing for awhile and a few things happened:

a) got fucked up a lot more often
b) hurt a whole lot more on a regular basis
c) didn't lose any weight

Minimizing the intake is the only thing that seems to work. At least for me. Since I quit my last band I sure do drink a fuckton less than I used to! :erk:
It appears that I haven't posted in this thread.

I eat terribly, and it's not going to change right away, since the next two weeks are study/final exam time.

but when I get home for the summer, hell yeah, lots of exercise and homemade meals. CSOCRREEE
Krigloch the Furious said:
contrary to popular belief, my diet isnt that terrible.

:lol: ... i read through this thread earlier and noticed you mentioned this before

I did the whole "switch to hard liquor for less calories"

supposedley it is not switching to hard liqour, but to clear, non colored spirits that are pure ... if you drink to begin with, which we all do

but yeah, I am looking at this "induction" phase of the Atkins diet, which is the first 2 weeks and it looks prett doable if not a little brutal ... there is a lot of cool things you can have, like eggs and meat.

but really the main things I want to cut out is heavy breads (will switch to some 7 grain or whole wheat), beer and sugars ...
lurch70 said:
:lol: ... i read through this thread earlier and noticed you mentioned this before

supposedley it is not switching to hard liqour, but to clear, non colored spirits that are pure ... if you drink to begin with, which we all do

but yeah, I am looking at this "induction" phase of the Atkins diet, which is the first 2 weeks and it looks prett doable if not a little brutal ... there is a lot of cool things you can have, like eggs and meat.

but really the main things I want to cut out is heavy breads (will switch to some 7 grain or whole wheat), beer and sugars ...

Forget about the grains and wheats my friend. Not if you want to hit ketosis anyway.
lurch70 said:

Alohol isn't a good idea either since you want to stay hydrated with lots of water. Carb depletion will get you dehyrdated REAL quick, so ya gotta drink a good amount of H20 throughout the day. After a few days of carb depletion, can be accelerating through cardio, you're glucose levels in your muscles are used up and you're body gets used to using fat as an energy source. It is less efficient but w/e....anyways, youre body produces ketones when in this state. I could write a few pages worth of this shit but Im lazy so go here:

It's a great site to learn the basics about Ketogenic Diets and carb depletion, etc.

EDIT: Remember to keep that fat intake high (or youll feel like shit), with bare minimum carb intake i.e. >20-30g/day!!!