How Bad Is Your Diet?

dorian gray said:
how many servings are you using per day? seems like it could get awfully expensive. according to that website price per can, it should be about $1.50 a serving. im looking for a dollar-a-day supplement. id like to eat as cheaply as possible and still get about 2500 cals a day
I'd like to be doing two full servings, but I never seem to eat more than one.

I agree, they're not cheap. However, I like the company, and have faith that what I'm getting is what's on the label. I can't say that for a lot of other nutrition companies.

man, two servings is around 110 grams of protein. i always thought it was unhealthy to consume more than a gram per kilogram of bodyweight. you look like maybe 90 kg in the one pic ive seen of you. im a little more than 85 kilos. i have access to some highly educated people, i need to ask them some shitz. a friend of mine is in metabolic support. she designs entire nutrition plans for critically ill patients.

speaking of, ive had the wonderful opportunity to try virtually every meal replacement on the market. this one, respalor - made for patients on ventilators - turns directly into diarrhea. its great.
Im sorry I havent answered you yet Dorian, I just get kinda meh when confronted with questions like these because up until 2.5 years ago, that's all I was doing for a long fucking time. lol
dorian gray said:
man, two servings is around 110 grams of protein. i always thought it was unhealthy to consume more than a gram per kilogram of bodyweight. you look like maybe 90 kg in the one pic ive seen of you. im a little more than 85 kilos. i have access to some highly educated people, i need to ask them some shitz. a friend of mine is in metabolic support. she designs entire nutrition plans for critically ill patients.
Most of the research I've read says that an adult male need not worry about how much protein he consumes (within reason). Your body will discard what it can't use. Most of the web sites I've been reading lately suggest that if you're lifting, you should consume 1.5 grams of protein per pound.

dorian gray said:
speaking of, ive had the wonderful opportunity to try virtually every meal replacement on the market. this one, respalor - made for patients on ventilators - turns directly into diarrhea. its great.

i've decided i'd rather enjoy myself and eat what I want than try to adhere to a diet. it sounds like a stupid fucking waste of time if you ask me...mind you if i was the size of our portly friend profanity i might reconsider.

i still don't eat THAT bad 'cause I live at home with my mom, and she cooks AWESOME and healthy foods.

my weaknesses:
ice cream
chocolate ice cream
fries (w/ gravy)

damn i love unhealthy food. but i don't eat it THAT much. dont eat much at all lately except late at night.
General Zod said:
Most of the research I've read says that an adult male need not worry about how much protein he consumes (within reason). Your body will discard what it can't use. Most of the web sites I've been reading lately suggest that if you're lifting, you should consume 1.5 grams of protein per pound.
interesting. ill ask some physicians about this. that opticene should be about perfect for 1.5 g/kg

@demilich: you feel better if you eat better. at least i do. thats a good reason to follow a diet plan. it *is* annoying and difficult though.
dorian gray said:
@demilich: you feel better if you eat better. at least i do. thats a good reason to follow a diet plan. it *is* annoying and difficult though.

you know, you're 100% right, and i know you are. plus you work in a hospital or something so me contesting your knowledge on a health issue would be like telling jesus that god doesn't exist!

it's not that i WANT to but i don't have the motivation... i just enjoy eating a lot of things, and i am NOT going to (as my sister did) force myself to abstain from them in order to feel a bit better. i generally feel pretty decent now, aside from having no energy sometimes, but that must happen to a lot of people.
well, it just so happens that im also jesus.

btw: i ate cookies with my breakfast this morning. i dropped from 190 lb to 186 lb and i want it back. probably stress related weight loss
in the summer my daily meal is basically this:

Breakfast: bowl of cereal/eggs,toast,back bacon
Lunch: Salad/Sandwich/Soup
Dinner: BBQ meat (chicken, pork chop, fish), rice and salad (or potatoes and a veggy)

When I snack I usually eat things like: apples, bananas, oranges, crackers & cheese. Winter food isn't much different.

But thats only while I'm at home, when i'm at school, i get whatever my aunt makes, which is all pre-frozen stuff or else takeout from macdonald's or little caesar's.
dorian gray said:
btw: i ate cookies with my breakfast this morning. i dropped from 190 lb to 186 lb and i want it back. probably stress related weight loss

this happens to my dad whenever they move him to a new location at work. usually once every 2-5 years. he loses 10-20 pounds while he stresses out over getting used to the new location, then promptly gains it all back (and then some) once he's accustomed.
i ate jello salad for breakfast and then followed it up with some rum cake. i love the holidays because such behavioUr is encouraged and expected.
General Zod said:
Here's what I'm my meal plan looks like:
wwwiiiiieeeerrrd. i came up with a meal plan tonight. i remembered you posted one and i wanted to compare. they are eerily similar. maybe thats not so wierd but its funny to see someone else eating brown rice with black beans, oatmeal, and chicken breasts. id also have the sirloin thing but im going to use a weight gainer instead. all told, im going to be taking in at least 2500 cals for under $5 a day. millions of americans spend that on one single cheeseburger.
dorian gray said:
wwwiiiiieeeerrrd. i came up with a meal plan tonight. i remembered you posted one and i wanted to compare. they are eerily similar. maybe thats not so wierd but its funny to see someone else eating brown rice with black beans, oatmeal, and chicken breasts.
Not too strange. These items are core items in any health conscious diet.

dorian gray said:
id also have the sirloin thing but im going to use a weight gainer instead. all told, im going to be taking in at least 2500 cals for under $5 a day. millions of americans spend that on one single cheeseburger.
Sounds like you're eating smart. Good luck with your diet, and let me know what you think of the Opticen if you buy some.

meh, i had to pour some salt on the rice and beans to be able to eat it. i tried it without and man, pure shit. trying to stay away from salt though. so, it's gonna be a challenge.

@Zod: i got a 13 lb bag of optimum serious mass from for $33. it's got 1250 cal per serving with 16 servings per bag. 50 g of protein per serving. sounds like a good value; should arrive in a couple days.