How Bad Is Your Diet?

express auto checkout = where black people take 800 items and then want to pay for it with food stamps. yeah, i go to the ghetto kroger. no one bothers me at the magazine section.
yeah. best of all, no matter how shitty the job I get (provided its one I get due to completing this program)... the pay will be 10 billion times what I used to make and it'll be 10 million times better.

Still remember one of the teachers last year telling us not to get our hopes up, that we'd have to start at the bottom as backup administrators working a graveyard shift alone and fairly bored. But if we can tough out the poor part of the job it'll get better pretty quick...

I was like "sir, what about those of us where that job sounds like heaven compared to what we've done for jobs so far?"

And he goes "Oh yeah... well... for everyone except Andrew, who would consider that job an improvement, tough it out"

Priceless moment
the kind with the voice that says, "Please put the item, BACK in the bag."

if they weren't faster I wouldn't use them.

ref East Columbus, yeah there are some behemoths around here. I went to Bob Evans once with my team for an off site brunch and they were having an all you can eat thing...these two fat womens came in and loaded up, one had an entire bowl full of fucking sausages, and the other had a stack of pancakes, and she poured syrup all over them, and THEN covered the whole thing with confectioners sugar!!

I was staring in stunned amazement when one of them felt my rapt gaze and happened to look up and saw me...and it was if she thought her food supply was threatened, cause she actually curled one arm protectively around her sausages, like an owl!!!!!!!!!1

I was like wtf. Fat people always keep an all-you-can-eat calendar taped up on their refrigerator.
or the message, "please wait for cashier". ive decided that those bag areas are weight sensitive and if you dont forcefully slam your eggs down into the bag, it will slow you down.

haha, east columbus. i was joking. didnt know you actually live there.
Here's what I'm my meal plan looks like:

Meal 1: 3/4 cup Quaker Oats, 1 serving 100% ON Whey (whey protein), 8oz Skim Milk, 1t fish oil
Meal 2: Opticen + 1 green apple
Meal 3: 6oz grilled boneless, skinnless chicken breast + 1 cup brown rice & black beans
Meal 4: Opticen + 1 banana
Meal 5: 8oz sirloin steak + 1 cup romaine, 1/4 cup cucumbers, 1/4 cup tomatoes, 1t fish oil
Meal 6: Nitrean (casein protein), 8oz Skim Milk + 2T Natural Peanut Butter

Total Calories - 2540
Fat: 61g (22%) - Sat: 19, Poly: 8, Mono: 6
Carbs: 194g (28%)
Protein: 307g (50%)

wolverine boots, khakis, button shirt for work; weekends, wolverines, tee shirt, jeans. I like going to the Bexley library on saturday and seeing the jewish dudes walking to temple. they have the coolest black hats.

plus guys...this past sunday, I got my hair cut. I walked into the satellite broadcast room today and got a spontaneous ovation today from like 40 people. fuckers.
jews rule.
cutting your hair doesnt.

if you wear wolverines all the time, how do you run from the cops?
after all, I now drive a Lincoln Town Car :lol:

I'm totally selling out to the man.
It's funny how three people have responded to this thread. :tickled:

Everyone else = fat fucks hiding in shame! :lol:

Ugh, I need to lose 30lb but diet alone is doing shit for me. It's the exercise thing that gets me, combining cardio with weights, although when I concentrated more on weight/fitness, I found my metabolism kicked in a greater deal. Another time I just did cardio for 5 months and lost jackshit, maybe 10lb at most. That's piss poor payback, I need more incentive.