Roadrunner version of new Nightwish


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Mar 29, 2003
Looks like all of us here in the USA will have to buy this version as well.

As previously reported, Roadrunner Records will release the new NIGHTWISH album, Once, on October 5th in the U.S., Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This version will feature the bonus track 'White Night Fantasy' - taken from the 'Nemo' single - and the video for 'Wish I Had An Angel' in mpeg format. The artwork will also be slightly different. Go to this location to check it out.
LAME! REALLY LAME! Actually on second thought never mind. I already have White Night Fantasy off of the first Nemo single and if I want the Wish I Had an Angel vid Ill get the single, which I will anyway for the b-seids. Ha, whew, I almost thought Id have to buy a Roadrunner cd.

ok this is what concerns me then. Everyone is always bitching and moaning about the various releases in other territories and that we here in the USA have to get our stuff from Europe. Do you think any band will ever tour in the USA if we don't show proper sales figures from this country??? That's why they are putting special things on this release. All we're doing is saying to the bands is that yep your album is selling great somewhere else. I say buy the USA release, not because you don't need it but to tell the record companies, management, and the band that there IS, WILL BE, and ALWAYS WAS a metal scene here in the USA.
See, I touched on that subject too in an editorial. In that I used Century Child and Hate Crew Deathroll as examples. Century Media released Bodoms cd about 9 months after its Euro release and Century Child ONE YEAR AND THREE MONTHS after the Euro release. The bands already pretty big fanbase, I dont think itd be a stretch to say about 80 percent or more of the fans already imported the Euro version instead of waiting for months for a US release. Also, alot of these metal bands are FINALLY realizing that sales figures dont mean shit here.I remember interviewing Tobias before PP III and he really expected all of five people to know who Edguy was and really seemed more nervous than excited about the gig. After their set he was blown away at how many people were singing along, cheering and all that. Take Nightwish too, on this tour they keep being surprised at the turnout, and Ill also be willing to bet a carton of Camels that the total amount of people that have attended the shows so far has more than surpassed the US sales figures of all their cds.

Anyways, to make my rant short, if US based metal labels want to see good figures, then what they need to do is RELEASE THE ALBUMS SIMULTANEOUSLY! You know what ruled? Having an Iced Earth tailgate party at 8 AM til 10 the day the Glorious Burden was released. You know what wasnt cool? Waiting another three weeks for Hellfire Club to come in the mail.

I really don't care who carries or releases the album here in the United States, I plan to buy a copy asap. The Roadrunner release will have the song I'm missing and a video, so I'll be happy. What they do with my money - I don't care. :loco:

I have the Nemo "Collector's Edition Digipack" -version

1. NEMO (Album Version)
2. LIVE TO TELL THE TALE (exclusive bonustrack, NOT from the album)
3. NEMO (Orchestral Version)
4. NEMO promotional video (in MPEG format)

So the RR version will complete my collection of songs from the Once album. And I'll be happy. I also will be looking for the Wish I Had an Angel single - didn't someone say it might be available at ProgPower? I can't remember. Probably not, but oh well. I'll get it eventually for all the video production if nothing else.

:worship: Nightwish

White Night Fantasy was the bside to the first NEMO single. At Prog Power there might be the WISH I HAD AN ANGEL single backed with the instrumental score of Ghost Love Score and Where Were You Last Night and the vid for ....Angel
