Rob Halford, the metal QUEER


New Metal Member
Aug 31, 2001
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Ok, i haev nothing against queers, other than they stick COCKS in their mouths....and their asses....but shit guys, Rob just played in a film...called SPUN, about crystal meth. Anyway, he runs a porn shop in the film, and all he does is look at fag books called BATHHOUSE showed teh cover of one of them...a dude has a fucking COCK in his mouth, and Rob is slobbering.....

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Hey ledmag, the film does sound interesting, except for the gay/queer part. I have been friends with people who are gay, just as long as they don't go into detail about their sex lives. I think Rob Halford is a good singer, and have known that he was gay for years. I just try not to think about the "gay" part. Other good singers who are/where gay: Freddie Mercury, Elton John, George Michael. Granted, I don't like all of the aforementioned's music, but these guys can sing. As for me, I'm a male lesbian.
I don't mind gays unless they start hitting on me or try to grab my ass... Too bad it might be translated by "legal experts" to a hate crime if I beat them with a shovel when they do that.
Ok boys?

Gay guys DO NOT want you.

Gay guys want other gay guys.

And please, if you have ever been hit on by a gay guy, I am sure they backed off when you said no thanks.

Being a woman, I am constantly hit on by straight guys who do not seem to understand the word NO THANKS.

And as far as your disaproving of the gay lifestyle IE "I don't care if they are gay as long as they do not talk about it"

THAT is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever heard.

SO please refrain from talking about womens tits & pussy. Cuz I do not wanna hear about that.

Seriously, someone being gay effects you in NO WAY WHATSOEVER.

SO please, stop talking out of your ass.
Mistress Masie said:
And as far as your disaproving of the gay lifestyle IE "I don't care if they are gay as long as they do not talk about it"

THAT is one of the most ignorant statements I have ever heard.

what he's saying, is that he doesnt want to hear about guys packing each others fudge and sucking each others dicks. just like you might not want to hear about a couple women munchin each others carpet.
i never said being gay was contagious. if thats the way people want to live their lives, its ok with me. i don't mind gay people. i have friends that happen to be gay. but 2 dudes having sex is not necissarily(sp?) something i like to think about. and before you say anything, theres plenty of shit that straight people do that i dont like talking about either.
"Being gay is not contagious."

*sneezes* Hmm...suddenly I have an urge to pack fudge. It seems as if I have caught the fag virus. Damn, I just got my shots yesterday. Oh well.............*works out to a Richard Simmons video while listening to a Micheal Bolton cd and wearing a rainbow shirt and tight colorful biker shorts and then complains about his drab drapes* Oh dear, those just won't do.
Dude, you are so not helping.

My views on gay people are simple...I support gay rights to their fullest. If the Rainbow Legion comes outta the closet, that means more chicks for me! I'm happy, they're happy. And as for lesbians...not to objectify women too much, but there's scads and scads of porn that could only be improved by real live lesbians. And ladies, more available men for you.

I don't see how anyone can object to gay rights with that logic.
I live in San Francisco, and there are lots of gays around here. It pisses me off when straight people insult gays' way of life because it's their choice.

Being in middle school, I hear people saying homophobic things constantly, and I've given up on telling them that gays don't deserve being insulted because of their lifestyle.

Now I just call them closet cases.
I love Preist and the band Halford, and I'll keep buying his cd's (the Metal ones), I'll I will say is WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THE PATH HE CHOOSES IN LIFE! Just keep releasing Metal music. Sorry for yelling, this post is pointless. Look at the things the guy does for Metal, he takes REAL Metal bands on tour with him (Metal Gods tour), not like Metallica.... I'll stop. Thats another arguement.
im w/ Mistress... so what if he is gay? whoopidee fuckin doo! shit... if i was gay [which for the record...i am not] and i was offered to sit there and run a porn shop and look at magazines that interest me for ALOTTT of money..... id be all over it too... so really... who the hell cares?