Rob Halford, the metal QUEER

retarded penguin said:
haha, yeah ledmag..
all these people saying 'ohh, people who talk bad about queers are closet cases' or something

but the moment you fucking mention 'fag' or something, they take the oppurtunity to go on fucking lectures and shit to prove how 'self-righteous' and 'open minded' they are

without even knowing what the subject at hand is....meh..

YEah, just cause i use slang words, they jump on teh band waagon. They make themselevs look dumber than they try to play me out to be. If i had been them, and i f i wanted to be politiaclly correct, as they seem to be....i would have haev asked me if i were a closet fag, and i waould haev asked me if i was phobe. its rediculose (spell). Too many ppl want attention, and too many ppl wnat to think themselves better than everyone else. Or just on a higher plain all together.

ill tell what would do some of these uptight finger pointers somw good. They should stand in the middle of teh road on a adark night with dark clothes, and wait patientlly for a speeding car driven by a drunked queer....or a none queer would do just as good. Perhaps that would JAR some rational thinking into them. maybe not. Things things are hard to pin down.
I never said anything about slang...I use the word fag all the time...for gay ppl and straight ppl. I'm not some self-righteous, holier-than-thou person, not at all. But I won't go kick some gay dude's ass just because he hits on me...I'll tell him no thanks, I don't swing that way, and that's about it. I never understood the logic of, "I'm going to stomp the shit out of that fag cuz he looked at me." That's just insecurity.

My point was that it's not really that big of a deal that Rob Halford was reading a gay porn mag. He IS with it. AND GAY PPL GIVE EACH OTHER HEAD, FUCK EACH OTHER IN THE ASS, AND DO ALL SORTS OF THINGS THAT WE PROBABLY DON'T EVEN WANT TO THINK ABOUT. That's the truth, deal with it. I don't want to see it any more than you do, but I won't go on some tirade about how Rob Halford was in a PORN SHOP in a REALLY RISQUE MOVIE IN THE FIRST PLACE, and how disgusted I am about it and feel the need to shout how hetero I am from the highest mountains.

If you are so freaked out about it, why do you keep talking about it, and why did you even post it here in the first place? If you don't want to accept those things, then don't bring them up in the first place. I just think it's silly...I'm not going to pass judgement, I just think it's a matter of too much testosterone and insecurity.
THRASH 78>>>its what you think of me, thatsthe problem i haev woith you. You think this shit without even going to a question of detail on my standing. I could care less about being the BIG MAN. I can talk about gays all day. But i didnt want to see it anymore than i wanted to see a guy and girl doing that. Sure, i wouldnt haev said " what the fuck" If i saw a gay and girl doing it. But that still does not mean i hate gays.

It didnt offend me. IT did bother me at the moment. I find it a bit funny that it did bother me. Thats one reason i posted about it.

I never said i wnated to kick his ass.

The fatc that Rob worked in the shop i thought was cool. I think its cool he is proud of himself for teh wya he is. I mean shit man, he is gay, so being gay is what he is all about.

I find lots of movies could do without the sex scenes. If a sex scene helps the move ...great....if it doesnt, it doesnt mean it ruins the movie.

As i said in other replies, i have 2 friends who are gay. Thats not a lot. But i live in a small town, and we do haev haters, so im sure some are afraid to speak the truth on where they stand sexually. I was suprised for one thing to seea cock in a guys mouth in a movie I rented that i did not haev to go to a little room with a door to find. If you know what i mean. So, saying that, i was overly shocked to see what i saw, but afraid, or way dude. .
That last post wasn't entirely directed at you, dude. A lot of it was just directed at the general meatheads.

Sorry to disappoint you penguin...actually no I'm not, LOL.

Here's something else that will boggle your mind...Emperor are one of my favorite bands too. Along with Nile, Cryptopsy, and Decapitated. But right now I'm hooked on the new Nevermore.
but....but.......your avatar!!!!

the new zyklon is awesome, way different from the last which was so similar to emperor, now it's like old and new emperor mixed with morbid angel

i got over cryptopsy and decapitated :(
wasted money on 2 Cryp CDs
thrash>>>Well done then. No prob from me to you. As you understand, im not a phobe. I care for my 2 gay friends. They are my friends, thats enough said on where i stand anyway.

have a great day.

oh, dont let Jeff suck you in dude. He is a cock head. he smokes that guitar, but a cock head he remains. Tell him i said so.
Sweaty, hairy males shoving shit and semen covered cocks in and out of eachothers mouth and ass?

I'm going to have to disagree with that.

And to be honest, anal sex in general is just fucking sick.

EDIT: I just realized that gay sex would probably be hot...what with all the hair...and the strain of shoving the cock in the ass and working it in and out roughly
retarded penguin said:
Sweaty, hairy males shoving shit and semen covered cocks in and out of eachothers mouth and ass?

I'm going to have to disagree with that.

And to be honest, anal sex in general is just fucking sick.

EDIT: I just realized that gay sex would probably be hot...what with all the hair...and the strain of shoving the cock in the ass and working it in and out roughly

You obviously have not watched gay porn.

You should try it, I think you'd like it.