Rob Halford, the metal QUEER

Whoah...he totally just smooth-talked Masie. Thrashmetal78, you are a pimp and my hero.

Seriously, that was very cool to read. Well done.

Except I still get pissed at people snogging in public, but that's because I don't have a girlfriend and I get jealous. Other than that, totally agreed.
thrashmetal78 said:
Hahaha, I just get sick and tired of homophobia.

To tell you the truth, it's really just a matter of respecting other people's culture.

I'm American and I live in Italy...I'm in the AF. Since Italy is the fashion capital of the world, you can imagine some of the wild things you might see people wearing. The people here are very, very warm and kind, very loving and affectionate. There is no homophobia here, people are just peaceful...besides, I've never seen more beautiful women in my life...I'm in love with the Italians. Being that there is little homophobia and the fact that it's the fashion capital of the world, a lot of other Americans see how some of the Italian men dress, how they act, how they show affection. Personally, I prefer hanging out with my Italian friends more than the Americans here; Americans want to get drunk, fight, and just act stupid. The Italians are a very passionate people, very caring, and they show their affection to each other that makes homophobic Americans's hilarious. A standard greeting is two kisses on the cheeks, man or woman, for someone you are good friends with. They'll put their arms around you, they have very little personal space because everyone is so intimate with each other.

I'm in a band over here, and my drummer, Andrea, when we all start drinking (don't ever try to outdrink the'll die), he'll sneak up behind you while you're looking the opposite direction, pull down his pants, and rest his bare ass on your back...IT'S FUCKIN' HILARIOUS, BUT FREAKS YOU OUT AT THE SAME TIME...he does this with his GORGEOUS girlfriend too...she's a sport. So anyway, he did it to me last weekend, and I grabbed my cigarette lighter and lit his ass hair on fire. This is just how they joke's no big deal.

But it's no big deal to see two guys walking down the street, wearing really tight blue jeans and fashionable shirts with their arms around each other...they're most probably just best friends. This is where it boggles the stupid Americans' minds. They just can't wrap their mind around the fact that people over here don't wear clothes that hang off their asses and drag the's NOT stylish to look like a homeless person here. Instead, you'll see them wearing Gucci, Versace, etc...and our perception of men wearing those clothes has always been, "Oh he must be gay, because a straight man doesn't know how to dress that well." Over here, almost all of them are this's just accepted. It's a different culture, and you must respect that culture and lose all those stereotypes.

On the flip side of that, the women wear next to nothing here...seriously. I've seen women practically topless walking down the's no big deal. They embrace the human body, not repress it like the American culture.

In America, if you saw a man and a woman kissing very passionately, a lot of people think "Get a room" or something like that. Not here. Italy is for lovers...there is so much love in this place. You don't have to be embarrassed to kiss your girlfriend HOW YOU WANT TO KISS HER in public...and it's not that they leave you alone, they just don't care! They don't even notice you. For instance, I met my Italian girlfriend at the Gods of Metal concert in Milan, and we were standing at the beer counter, practically in the way of everyone else, just kissing each other for about an hour straight. People didn't notice, they didn't care. They went around us. It's a beautiful thing don't get dirty looks or nasty stares. It's so beautiful because they MEAN it...they live their lives to the fullest and love with every ounce of their being. Italian women are much more loyal, passionate, full of life, and willing to share so much of themselves with the person they love more than the average American woman. Not to say that there aren't any decent Americans left, not at all. But no culture...NO CULTURE ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH is as passionate about life and love as the Italians. When you experience this, you will have a whole new outlook on love and life...hetero or homo.

Just because I live in America right now doesn't mean I am ignorant, ignorance comes from mans inability to deal with a truth, and the truth is America sucks, the people are bland and they actually think our gov't is doing right by us, it is pathetic to see all of these idiots love America when they haven't the faintest clue why the should, and it is pathetic to see people hate homosexuals for the same reason---ignorance. A choice to to love or hate based in ignorance is one of the most common and greatest fualts of mankind.

BTW, never cared for fashion, always wore what fit and was comfortable, you know the standard metal shirts and jeans, shorts and, well I am 6'4" 265 lbs and run on 8 cylindars so even thogh I live in Maine, I never wear a jacket, I guess it has something to do with hottoping for a living, working with 400 degree asphalt all day really makes you enjoy rain and the cold.
retarded penguin said:
Behind four wallllllls, the day they took away my frieeeeeeend

Great song, Dead heart In A Dead World is the only Nevermore album I own, it is slowly growing on me, ah, who am I kidding, I like it, tell me though, has this always been their style, seven strings? The Sound of Silence sold me on these guys, although I would like to here Jeffs riffs in a higher register than b or c or whatever the hell seven strings tune to.
hahah, you don't get it

I was mocking you, ahha, it's INSIDE for walls
and it's probably their worst song, and DHIADW is their worst album......technically of course

if you want heavy crushing ass raping music-go for politics of ecstasy....or even their latest
DNB will tackle you with more emotion though, like, sadness.......yeah

but yeah, everything pre DHIADW is the sexiest six strings
Just wanted to clarify...I didn't mean Americans were stupid.

There are just a lot of stupid ones in the military here in Italy, that's all.

Sorry for the confusion.
retarded penguin said:
hahah, you don't get it

I was mocking you, ahha, it's INSIDE for walls
and it's probably their worst song, and DHIADW is their worst album......technically of course

if you want heavy crushing ass raping music-go for politics of ecstasy....or even their latest
DNB will tackle you with more emotion though, like, sadness.......yeah

but yeah, everything pre DHIADW is the sexiest six strings

Heh? I don't usually go around acting like an idiot, mocking people is a very prepubescent thing to do and I stopped doing such things a very long time ago, actually when I went through puberty, there are far more constructive ways to get your point across, you know, by stating your opinion and at least explaining them. I guess you can't ask the world from everyone. this type of crap is exactly why I do not like America, this country has brought being selfish and shortsighted to a whole new level of collective ignorace.

I actually enjoy most of Dead Heart, though my tastes are generaly much heavier. Being a guitarist some of the songs like The River Dragon Has Come really interest me, and Loomis' solos are great, very technical yet very feeling oriented, and he has a great vibrato technique going for him as well.

BTW none of this was directed at Retarded Penguin, maybe some of it was.
Mistress Masie said:
SO hetero Public displays of affection are acceptable but no homo PDAs?

LED***No, IMO, its not OK. ITs gross to see anyone do anything other than hold hands in public, and i dont do that myself. That shit should be done at home, to save the rest of us from having to see drooling ppl on every corner. Thats the best thing i can think of about iving in a small hookers with their asses hanging out on the corners, and not a bunch of dirty looking fuckers kissing each other in public. ***

I am (somewhat) straight, but I do not enjoy watching STRAIGHT people (AKA breeders) making out in public.

LED***Good call, on not wanting to watch in public.....same here***

So lets just say.......People, gay or straight, should try to show a little decorum.

***thats what none of you have taken from my postings in this thread. WAKE UP and smell the JIZZ.....that sorta shit for the privacy of homes.****

Zob Rombie said:
well if you are so offended by it, y watch it? and if you didnt know about it at first... why waste everyones time on here complaining about it

Didnt i tell you to fuck off? Your stupid as shit buddy.

Like RP said, yeah, it said on the cover..ROB H IN FULL FAG FORM.

Get the dick out of your pucker band, and go to bed.
AjDeath said:
Heh? I don't usually go around acting like an idiot, mocking people is a very prepubescent thing to do and I stopped doing such things a very long time ago, actually when I went through puberty, there are far more constructive ways to get your point across, you know, by stating your opinion and at least explaining them. I guess you can't ask the world from everyone. this type of crap is exactly why I do not like America, this country has brought being selfish and shortsighted to a whole new level of collective ignorace.'s called joking around.

IanDork107 said:
Lets do some rational thinking here for a second.

**LED**You cant think that way. ITs too clear to everyone. Your stuck in your own world. You refuse to listen to reason. Just continue to set their with your tongue on your chin, adn stare out into nothing**

You read about a movie in which Rob Halford portrays a homosexual porno shop employee

***LED**DId i read about this movie? Or did i just go into the film rental house adn just randomly pick it up? DId it even say on teh back side of teh box taht ROBBIE palyed in the film? Did i even look at the back of the box? ***

and you, a hater of gays,

**LED**DId i say i hated queers?**

think to yourself, 'Oh, I'm sure there'll be nothing to offend me in this film."

**LED**Did i say i was offended? I think i said i didnt want to see a COCK IN A ANOTHERS GUYS MOUTH...yeah, thats what i said. Further more, stick all the cods in your mouth that you can cramm in there, i dont care, but let me know ahead of time, so i can cover my eyes till your finished. Then you little gay faggat, you and i can chat.***

Get a fucking life dude.

**LED**I have a life, but how much does an extra one cost?***

Worry about yourself you stupid insignificant piece of shit.

**LED**Where are you coming from you little piss ant. Your making more of this shit than it is. Your the one making a big deal out of all of it. ROb is queer, WhO CARES? Oh yeah, hahahahha, you do, worm.**

No one wants to hear what you have to say.

***LED***SO now your in charge? You know what everyone thinks, you know what i think, you just have it all down pat dont ya? Get off your high horse dude. Your a fish out of water. You dont know what your talking about when it concerns me. You should ask someone their opinion before you tell them what their opoinion is. Until then, fuck off, get sick, or better yet, kill all your family, then kill yourself. DO it, do it doitdoitdoit. You can do it. DOnt be afraid. ITll be fun.***

And for the record, I'm very straight with an attractive girlfriend. I just hate ignorant assholes like you.

**LED**Ok, so now im supposed to believe that. SInce youve made this huge story up about me, and nothing inside your story even comes close to hitting the nail on the head with the way i feel towards fags. I suppose your gonna tell me that my friend for 24 yrs isnt a queer? Are ya. Yeah, he is gay as gay can be. Yeah, he even comes over to my house and chats with my wife and I. Your also, gonna tell me that my other friend JEFF, who came out of the closet a few months back, and left his wife and child at home to live with a guy, i suppose your gonna tell me he isnt my friend either. FUck you.

NOW......WHats wrong with the fact that i donot want to see a cock unless its attached to my lower abdomen? Tell me whats wrong with it. What part of that makes makes me a queer hater? Sure, the thought of a dude liek you or anyone else sucking teh jizz out of a pole turns my belly inside out. SO WHAT? It doesnt bother me that you can watch that stuff. IT doesnt effect me at all. WHy should it bother you that it urks the fuck out of me to see that sort of thing, even on a suprise? ****

retarded penguin said:'s called joking around.


Don't worry yourself over it, eh? I am serious about some subjects, and most of the time people annoy the fuck out of me. You should see me when I am drunk or working.
IanDork107 said:
You should respect rock stars because you like their music, not based on whether they fuck vaginas or assholes. that you ve that. WHere did i dog him musically? I dont even care for his stuff that much.

BUT , lets look at QUEEN. A great band. LEd by a queer. Ol freedy, as ugly as he was, hw was one hell of a VOXXER. Queen rules no matter what Freddy stcj in his mouth.

ELTON JOHN,,...the tune TINY DANCER rules your ass. WHo cares if a cock was in the mouth that sang those words? I dont care, as long the song is good. Oh, and as long as i dont haev to watch him suck one to hear the song.

I think you need to back up and take back some of the bullshit you said while you where in the "I dont understand what ledmag is talking about, i think i do, but i really dont, so im gonna flame ledmag anyway" mode
thrashmetal78 said:
I've seen the movie...and it's fucking magnificent.

You ppl act like there's nothing hetero in the movie...only every other scene are Pink Floyd-ish cartoons and flashes of hardcore fucking...

Besides, who gives a fuck if a guy likes the cock? I don't really want to see it, but it wasn't like you were watching a movie about guys with cocks in their mouths. Rob was in like two scenes of that movie, and he ran a porn shop. If you had a sense of humor, you'd probably realize that Rob was FUCKING WITH HOMOPHOBES like you, just to get a rise out of them. How fucking cool is it that a metal god comes out of the closet and shocks the world? Actually, it wasn't such a shock for me...look at his outfits in early Priest. What is different about him now? Did you like him because he could sing, or because you thought he was straight?

I have no problem with gay people whatsoever...there are a shitload more straight people who shouldn't even be walking the face of the earth as far as I'm concerned. It will always be hetero for me, but I don't have an inferiority complex and feel I must lash out at all gay people.

Think about this: if you are straight, then what does it matter if someone thinks you are gay? You could call me gay or fag all day, and I wouldn't care. I wouldn't get mad because I know it's not true, and you could tell the whole world if you wanted, it's no skin off my back because it wouldn't be true. If it's not true, then why is everyone so worried about it? If you aren't gay, why do you get so offended?

The only ppl who get offended are the ones in the closet.

I have never seen so many confused ppl in my life. GET WITH THE PROGRAM. Read some of the shit just above that i ve stuck in the here. I dont want to further expolaine what should haev been the obviouse.

You fucker, what part of the fact that feel SEEING this shit is gross means i hate QUEERS???

For teh record, as i ALREADY said, teh rest of teh film kicked ass.
haha, yeah ledmag..
all these people saying 'ohh, people who talk bad about queers are closet cases' or something

but the moment you fucking mention 'fag' or something, they take the oppurtunity to go on fucking lectures and shit to prove how 'self-righteous' and 'open minded' they are

without even knowing what the subject at hand is....meh..
thrashmetal78 said:
Hahaha, I just get sick and tired of homophobia.

**LED**Your so sick and tired of that you just pick a dude out like me, who doesnt want to see another mans cock period, much less in another guys mouth, you just pick me out and call me a phobe. Thats a bit much, or too fast on the draw In my book**

To tell you the truth, it's really just a matter of respecting other people's culture.

**LED***yeah respect my culture, and dont pull your cock out in my line of vision. And if you dont mind, if you do happen to pull it out, please dont stick it in your best pals mouth while im looking. Thats all i ask. Be queer all you want. Just keep the sex at home, just as i do with my wife.

and the pink floyd stuff as you called it, was pretty cool hey. ***
