Rob Halford, the metal QUEER

AjDeath said:
Agreed, But I also do not enjoy watching gay people making out in public, I also do not make my sexuality a defining point of my character, that is being riduculous, I could give a shit if you are gay or straight, it doesn't and should not matter, it is your damn life, live it, I don't go around in a parade scream "I'm Straight,We're Great, I don't care if you can't relate!" No, I go about my business and live(work, eat, beer, guitar.) There is NO point in flaunting your sexuality to anyone who will give you a second, this only serves to alienate you from less enlightened people who use their ignorance as an excuse to hate. So yes, eveyone should use restraint when it comes to this sort of thing.

Of course you do not have to fight for your right to be straight. It is socially acceptable to be straight. You do not lose your job, get turned down for loans, do not become ineligable for spouse benefits, get evicted or beat up for being straight.
Mistress Masie said:
Of course you do not have to fight for your right to be straight. It is socially acceptable to be straight. You do not lose your job, get turned down for loans, do not become ineligable for spouse benefits, get evicted or beat up for being straight.

Like I said, ignorance........and people suck.

you know, I have always said-"I hate people, but I like individuals."
ledmag said:
DORK>>>your from Florida, so your a fag with AIDS right? FUck off with this where you live shit. Your dogging me for pointing out the grossness of being NOT GAY, and having to loook at gay sex, while your making fun of where i live. Yeah right, fuck off pal.

WHo cares if your a queer? I dont. I just dont want to see fags having sex. ITS FUCKING GROSS. I never said i hated gays.

If you wnat to look at gay porn, more power to ya. As for me, I dont want to see it.

ANd Pantera is underrated.

Lets do some rational thinking here for a second. You read about a movie in which Rob Halford portrays a homosexual porno shop employee and you, a hater of gays, think to yourself, 'Oh, I'm sure there'll be nothing to offend me in this film." Get a fucking life dude. Worry about yourself you stupid insignificant piece of shit. No one wants to hear what you have to say.

And for the record, I'm very straight with an attractive girlfriend. I just hate ignorant assholes like you.

Did Ledmag actually say he bought the movie because Halford was in it?

Did the cover have a warning, "ROB HALFORD DROOLS OVER COCK" ???

From what I can tell, Ledmag watched a movie and was disgusted to see a male drooling over other males being pounded in the ass by...other males...

The relevancy of this post comes in when it's a rock star whom we all know and should respect.
I've seen the movie...and it's fucking magnificent.

You ppl act like there's nothing hetero in the movie...only every other scene are Pink Floyd-ish cartoons and flashes of hardcore fucking...

Besides, who gives a fuck if a guy likes the cock? I don't really want to see it, but it wasn't like you were watching a movie about guys with cocks in their mouths. Rob was in like two scenes of that movie, and he ran a porn shop. If you had a sense of humor, you'd probably realize that Rob was FUCKING WITH HOMOPHOBES like you, just to get a rise out of them. How fucking cool is it that a metal god comes out of the closet and shocks the world? Actually, it wasn't such a shock for me...look at his outfits in early Priest. What is different about him now? Did you like him because he could sing, or because you thought he was straight?

I have no problem with gay people whatsoever...there are a shitload more straight people who shouldn't even be walking the face of the earth as far as I'm concerned. It will always be hetero for me, but I don't have an inferiority complex and feel I must lash out at all gay people.

Think about this: if you are straight, then what does it matter if someone thinks you are gay? You could call me gay or fag all day, and I wouldn't care. I wouldn't get mad because I know it's not true, and you could tell the whole world if you wanted, it's no skin off my back because it wouldn't be true. If it's not true, then why is everyone so worried about it? If you aren't gay, why do you get so offended?

The only ppl who get offended are the ones in the closet.
Hahaha, I just get sick and tired of homophobia.

To tell you the truth, it's really just a matter of respecting other people's culture.

I'm American and I live in Italy...I'm in the AF. Since Italy is the fashion capital of the world, you can imagine some of the wild things you might see people wearing. The people here are very, very warm and kind, very loving and affectionate. There is no homophobia here, people are just peaceful...besides, I've never seen more beautiful women in my life...I'm in love with the Italians. Being that there is little homophobia and the fact that it's the fashion capital of the world, a lot of other Americans see how some of the Italian men dress, how they act, how they show affection. Personally, I prefer hanging out with my Italian friends more than the Americans here; Americans want to get drunk, fight, and just act stupid. The Italians are a very passionate people, very caring, and they show their affection to each other that makes homophobic Americans's hilarious. A standard greeting is two kisses on the cheeks, man or woman, for someone you are good friends with. They'll put their arms around you, they have very little personal space because everyone is so intimate with each other.

I'm in a band over here, and my drummer, Andrea, when we all start drinking (don't ever try to outdrink the'll die), he'll sneak up behind you while you're looking the opposite direction, pull down his pants, and rest his bare ass on your back...IT'S FUCKIN' HILARIOUS, BUT FREAKS YOU OUT AT THE SAME TIME...he does this with his GORGEOUS girlfriend too...she's a sport. So anyway, he did it to me last weekend, and I grabbed my cigarette lighter and lit his ass hair on fire. This is just how they joke's no big deal.

But it's no big deal to see two guys walking down the street, wearing really tight blue jeans and fashionable shirts with their arms around each other...they're most probably just best friends. This is where it boggles the stupid Americans' minds. They just can't wrap their mind around the fact that people over here don't wear clothes that hang off their asses and drag the's NOT stylish to look like a homeless person here. Instead, you'll see them wearing Gucci, Versace, etc...and our perception of men wearing those clothes has always been, "Oh he must be gay, because a straight man doesn't know how to dress that well." Over here, almost all of them are this's just accepted. It's a different culture, and you must respect that culture and lose all those stereotypes.

On the flip side of that, the women wear next to nothing here...seriously. I've seen women practically topless walking down the's no big deal. They embrace the human body, not repress it like the American culture.

In America, if you saw a man and a woman kissing very passionately, a lot of people think "Get a room" or something like that. Not here. Italy is for lovers...there is so much love in this place. You don't have to be embarrassed to kiss your girlfriend HOW YOU WANT TO KISS HER in public...and it's not that they leave you alone, they just don't care! They don't even notice you. For instance, I met my Italian girlfriend at the Gods of Metal concert in Milan, and we were standing at the beer counter, practically in the way of everyone else, just kissing each other for about an hour straight. People didn't notice, they didn't care. They went around us. It's a beautiful thing don't get dirty looks or nasty stares. It's so beautiful because they MEAN it...they live their lives to the fullest and love with every ounce of their being. Italian women are much more loyal, passionate, full of life, and willing to share so much of themselves with the person they love more than the average American woman. Not to say that there aren't any decent Americans left, not at all. But no culture...NO CULTURE ON THE FACE OF THIS EARTH is as passionate about life and love as the Italians. When you experience this, you will have a whole new outlook on love and life...hetero or homo.