Robert Muller of Dangerous Music


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
Short back-story:
I bought a D-Box last week. Brand new, not used.
That evening, I managed to get my son to connect it to my Ensemble, etc.
Everything was working fine.
I loved being able to choose between my Avantones and my Focals so easily.
But since I'm in the middle of a new set of video tutorials, I didn't have any time to really dig deep into the unit, and was only able to play with it for a very short time.

No big deal ... there's always tomorrow, right?


The next morning when I turned on all of my equipment - the D-Box didn't fire up.
What is it?
I checked all the connections. They were good.
I switched the outlet where the D-Box was plugged. No change there, either.
I dis-connected, and re-connected the unit and all the wires to and from the Ensemble.
Still nothing.

Finally decided to start searching the forums.
I came up empty handed.

Went ahead and sent Dangerous Music an eMail.

I later received a reply from Mr Muller.
I also received a phone call from him.

After a short time - he was able to ID that the PSU had gone bad.
He sent me a new one.
All's happy in my world.

(end of back story)

This is a shining example of what I believe is Great Customer Service.
He doesn't know me from Adam, nor I him.
Yet, he went out of his way to not only correspond with me via eMail, but went the extra mile and called me as well.

Once the opportunity was identified - he sent me a working PSU.
Next Day Air, nonetheless!! How cool is that?

I can't say enough positive stuff about his attitude over the phone, too.
He wasn't impatient, rude, or arrogant.
He came across as the type of person you could hang out with.
Even though my problem was small in scope - when compared to a big studio - I felt like he treated me as if I were the big studio guy.

Dangerous Music is the real deal for me.
Bob Muller is on top of the game.

Just wanted to publicly thank him for his assistance.

Thank you, Mr Muller.
Good luck in all that you do.

Your Life Long Customer -
Scott Griggs