Robert Trujillo: We Will Get The Right Bass.....

Hmmmm.... sounds very Load & Reload like.

It's growing on me.

Trujillo rules though.
the intro is cool, but its so fucking repetative for an 8 minute long song, but at least they can still pull out SOME kind of cool riff here and there. They just need to cut that shit down.
The song could have been ok, really. Had they brought some fast, thrash riffage, and told James to shut the fuck up, the song could have been really good. Oh yeah, and if Kirk wasn't the sloppiest guitarist ever to be featured in a guitar magazine...
DarbysDad said:
fuck it I like it
I do too. It's not great, but it's a hell of a lot better than anything off the last album, and at least there's a guitar solo. Plus Lars' snare drum doesn't sound like a 4 year old hitting pots and pans with a wooden spoon! While I do agree the the vocals are a little weak, I think maybe he was making up some of the lyrics as he went along, so once he's got them down, he can work on it. Oh, and if Hetfield grows that beard another couple of inches, Scott Ian may be able to sue for copyright infringement!:kickass: