
Well, it's kinda hard but I guess more like Cowboys/Vulgar...sadly the cd is not available for private persons for one reason, the label that made it are sitting on 800 copys that were returned from the distributor and they just say "buy all 800 or none" to people I sent to them to buy a cd...we will buy them out when we can afford it but that might take some time...but if You want to take a shot at buyin one mail them at:
But I bet You'll get the same answer as people before my opinion the label people are a bit soft in the head...
Anyways, thanx for Your interrest :)
Originally posted by Korkil
in my opinion the label people are a bit soft in the head...

Yeah obviously, to say the least... (I like that expression. Hopefully I can remember it the next time I need it...)

Btw, great you had the chance to log in, Robin :)
Try more often ;)

And I'll join Soulburner with his question about current activities, haven't heard anything from Fantasmagoria in a long time.
haha :lol:
That's why I thought I had read it already somewhere :grin:
I had too much to drink I guess ;) Anyway, "soft in the head" is a nice expression so I'm lucky I finally noticed it :p
If this track is from Fantasmagoria "Void Of Sense" then i got it downloaded from Direct Connect...
It`s hard all right!!!!

By the way Robin....did you get home allright after the Sweden rock festival`???
Just Kidding:lol: