Rock against communism

So do fascism, Nazism, religious fundamentalism, and every other extreme ideology.

no fascism is better than communism. if commies ran this world, we'd have no wars (boring!), every person border jumping without remorse (just disgusting) and porn would be banned because it objectifies women (fuck that shit!)
So do fascism, Nazism, religious fundamentalism, and every other extreme ideology.

Dear aqnimal,

Extreme moderatism is just as much an extreme ideology as any other.

The proper aim is to go beyond ideology to a philosophy of action based on truth. Truth is the ultimate extreme, which is why it is so hated and society does its best to suppress our ability to think and speak, lest we chance upon it.

no fascism is better than communism. if commies ran this world, we'd have no wars (boring!), every person border jumping without remorse (just disgusting) and porn would be banned because it objectifies women (fuck that shit!)

"No more wars"- given that we now have the capacity to destroy the planet and wipe out every living thing on it dozens of times over, that might not be such a bad thing.

"Porn would be banned"- there's a lot of people on the extreme right who'd like to see it banned also, either because, depending on which far-right group one is talking about, "it promotes sex outside of marriage", or "it hurts the family", or because "it's a tool of Jews to promote interbreeding and wipe out whites".

My issue with any extreme is that each try to control everyone and tell them what to think, and rip on anyone who disagrees or who isn't exactly like them, or otherwise doesn't quite live up to their "ideal person", be it the "Perfect Aryan", "Perfect Proletarian", or "Betty Bowers, the World's Best Christian" types. I couldn't care less what one's beliefs are, as long as they don't try shoving their views down my throat, which is a standard M.O. of any extremist, be they of the right or left.
Dear aqnimal,

Extreme moderatism is just as much an extreme ideology as any other.

The proper aim is to go beyond ideology to a philosophy of action based on truth. Truth is the ultimate extreme, which is why it is so hated and society does its best to suppress our ability to think and speak, lest we chance upon it.

:headbang: :headbang: :worship: :worship: :kickass: :kickass: BRAVO!!!! (Claps hands) GREAT POST!!!
I commend you!!
"No more wars"- given that we now have the capacity to destroy the planet and wipe out every living thing on it dozens of times over, that might not be such a bad thing.

"Porn would be banned"- there's a lot of people on the extreme right who'd like to see it banned also, either because, depending on which far-right group one is talking about, "it promotes sex outside of marriage", or "it hurts the family", or because "it's a tool of Jews to promote interbreeding and wipe out whites".

My issue with any extreme is that each try to control everyone and tell them what to think, and rip on anyone who disagrees or who isn't exactly like them, or otherwise doesn't quite live up to their "ideal person", be it the "Perfect Aryan", "Perfect Proletarian", or "Betty Bowers, the World's Best Christian" types. I couldn't care less what one's beliefs are, as long as they don't try shoving their views down my throat, which is a standard M.O. of any extremist, be they of the right or left.

I'm just sick of "hey porn degrades women" and "you're a big homophobe" and "Michael Richards made fun of black people (but somehow its ok for blacks to crack jokes about whites)"
I'm just sick of "hey porn degrades women" and "you're a big homophobe" and "Michael Richards made fun of black people (but somehow its ok for blacks to crack jokes about whites)"
I agree with you about the "porn degrades women" thing, especially considering that some of the most successful producers/directors in porn are women. And the whole Michael Richards thing is utter hypocrisy at its worst- if his use of the "N" word is so bad that what's left of his career is in jeopardy, then Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle should be in hot water for calling us "crackers". Fair is fair.
I agree with you about the "porn degrades women" thing, especially considering that some of the most successful producers/directors in porn are women. And the whole Michael Richards thing is utter hypocrisy at its worst- if his use of the "N" word is so bad that what's left of his career is in jeopardy, then Chris Rock and Dave Chappelle should be in hot water for calling us "crackers". Fair is fair.

Yea, except no one was forced to use a seperate bathroom, water fountain, restuarant or school just because they were "crackers". The connotational gulf between the two words is pretty damn wide.
I'm just sick of "hey porn degrades women" and "you're a big homophobe" and "Michael Richards made fun of black people (but somehow its ok for blacks to crack jokes about whites)"

Dear ohiogrinder, et al,

My response to the subject of pornography is best summarised by the following post. Again, since The Terrible Name We Mustn't Mention is auto-censored, I shall write the link out below for the curious.

s t o r m f r o n t

Narziss, "rc" (ibidem disabled)

s t o r m f r o n t
Dear Narziss,

You're a nazi.

With undying affection,

Comrade Morgenstern

Dear Der Morgenstern,

I'll take that as a compliment, but I must, and do, ask you what your definition of a "nazi" is.

INTERROGATOR: Are you, or have you ever been, a member of the NSDAP?


Narziss, "rc" (ibidem disabled)

s t o r m f r o n t
Yea, except no one was forced to use a seperate bathroom, water fountain, restuarant or school just because they were "crackers". The connotational gulf between the two words is pretty damn wide.
True, but that doesn't make "cracker" any less questionable. I'm not defending what Richards did by any means, but I seriously doubt that too many of can honestly say how we'd respond in the circumstances he was in until it happens. OK, we might say that "Oh, I'd never do that, no matter how bad they ripped on me", and then totally lose it when we do get ripped on.