Rock Band game to add keyboards?

I haven't heard this rumor before, but I doubt it... then again, it does sound like a very interesting concept. They simplified the guitar to five 'frets', so maybe they can do the same with the keyboard. If this ever happens, I might actually play Rock Band 2 more.

I sure would love to play Jump by Van Halen and The Final Countdown by Europe, as well as some blistering power metal... I'm looking at you, Steve! :lol:
Yeah this would be as realistic as Guitar Hero but potentially just as fun and satisfying. I'd give it a go but would probably have to turn to hacks to play some delicious signature Steve W soloing
Can't see how they'd simplify it to be honest. plus the peripheral would take up room as the drumkit does. it would be awesome to play some PQ though or try and get through the instrumental section of Dream Theater's Octavarium :lol:
Can't see how they'd simplify it to be honest. plus the peripheral would take up room as the drumkit does. it would be awesome to play some PQ though or try and get through the instrumental section of Dream Theater's Octavarium :lol:

I dunno. Since the keyboard only requires you to hit the keys and it's right in front of you (whereas the guitar requires you to strum and you can't really look at the frets at all while you play), maybe they'll make it like ten keys or something. I can really see it working, and I don't think it would take up much room at all. And given how awesome the Rock Band guitars look, I bet the keyboard would look pretty nice too.. even as a fake plastic one! Hopefully modeled after a Korg or something... :lol:

But yea, I really hope they do it, because it would open the doors for so many power metal bands that have amazing guitar/drum/vocal parts but the keyboards are too prominent for Rock Band as it is now.