Terrorizer review


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Here's what Terrorizer thought of PQ at Bloodstock

Confronted with a sea of power metal-friendly plastic battleaxes and cutlasses, Power Quest do what any band would in their situation , namely play their hearts out. OK, so they may offer little in the way of originality and at times appear to be trying too hard to win over people who were already on their side but such was their enthusiasm that any benefit of the doubt required in the final analysis is theirs.

What do you reckon people?
It's a little brief, and they don't mention too much about the actual performance. To be honest I think that's a little harsh.

I thought the performance was great adn where did they get that comment from about trying too hard? Did that reviewer actually go to Bloodstock?

Still, they are right about your enthusiasm, and you did play your hearts out. So, the review is a little mixed really.

I think the set was great.
anvil said:
Terrorizer label the majority of Power Metal bands as being unoriginal so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
Shazam! I was about to say that myself! To be honest, barring that little snipe I'd say it's a good review that you can be happy about...a little more commentary on the performance would've been better, but this rarely happens with festival summaries anyway.
anvil said:
Terrorizer label the majority of Power Metal bands as being unoriginal so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
Actually i will totally agree with you on that..I think that they just say its the same thing that all these euro bands are doing :confused:

As soon as i get a copy of the album im gonna review it myself for our zine :D (ive heard the album but i havent got it yet..im a bad man :rolleyes: )