The Blood Alliance Review Thread

The butthurt surfacing as soon as the album gets a rating some of you don't agree with has got to stop. It's embarassing. Please get it into your heads that not all people have the same musical preference as you, nor will they regard Power Quest as something more than 'just the next album in line', just because we have a nice relationship with some of the members around here. That's just the way it works.
The butthurt surfacing as soon as the album gets a rating some of you don't agree with has got to stop. It's embarassing. Please get it into your heads that not all people have the same musical preference as you, nor will they regard Power Quest as something more than 'just the next album in line', just because we have a nice relationship with some of the members around here. That's just the way it works.

I do agree with what you say, absolutely. I just don't like the comments :lol: Chill out, Cronopio :)
The butthurt surfacing as soon as the album gets a rating some of you don't agree with has got to stop. It's embarassing. Please get it into your heads that not all people have the same musical preference as you, nor will they regard Power Quest as something more than 'just the next album in line', just because we have a nice relationship with some of the members around here. That's just the way it works.

I really hope that isn't particularly aimed at me, I think over my three posts I've made it clear that I'm not too bothered about their overall verdict, just that I decided to share my thoughts of the score and a comment that I thought was particularly rubbish in the review. Also anybody who knows me knows I'm very open-minded and understanding about differences of opinion, about all things, not just Music. so if you are suggesting otherwise, I'm quite insulted to be honest.

I also hasten to add that in the past I've not even responded in regards to other reviews where Blood Alliance has been given poorer scores and comments.
Might just be a general statement Crono was saying, not particularly aimed at any one person but sort of a summary of what he's seen over the past several months. At least that's how I took it.
I'm kind of with Cronopio, but at the same time Kingface has explained himself well throughout, so I wouldn't aim anything personally at him. I think the point KF's making is more that is inaccurate criticism is unacceptable.

My main pet hate with Metal Hammer is their use of freelance writers who assist in making the MH brand hypocritical. For example, you can find a past review which refers to PQ as a bad Van Halen tribute band. Yet this same publication has booked said artist for their own festival twice. It all becomes quite silly...
I'm sorry if anyone felt offended by my comment. Kingface, did not mean to insult you. But your post about the MH joke not being funny didn't come across as very funny to me. But again, no disrespect intended.
Just want to say to the PQ guys that Blood Alliance is still within my top releases of 2011, and I've heard more fantastic albums this year than in any other year I can remember! Never get tired of playing Better Days in the car, that's a damn fine driving tune.
On that point, 2011 has been a good year for releases it's not been this good since 2010 :D but yes Blood Alliance has yet to be dethroned from the top spot of Album of the Year 2011 for me. Astonishing.