Rock Star INXS

Dr Demented

Dec 10, 2003
Lafayette, IN
I figured I'd share this small rant with all of you...if you want to read others, you can see them at The Ministry of Sarcasm

Well, I'm getting ready to head back out on the road...and I figured I'd talk about something current.

How many of you out there have seen that retarded show "Rock Star: INXS"?

I haven't.

Call me a close-minded prick, but I won't dirty my mind with this gaggle of polished up fags who wanna sing for INXS. These guys were cool in the 80's...and I really dug some of their tunes...but let's get real here. The REAL vocalists were NOT picked to compete in this thing.

I mean, what do you have? From the commercials, you have some guy with a mohawk who wants to sing "A Cult of Personality". Cool song, but it sounds like he's singing it in a damn Vegas lounge instead of with the passion of Living Colour. This guy is the demographic darling of CBS. If he was a woman, he'd be perfect. First off, he's black...then he's got a mohawk, so these grey attorneys at CBS thought maybe he'd appeal to the younger audience. Too bad mohawks went out in the 80's. :loco: He's not appealing to anybody...and he actually offends those of us who were involved in the Punk era. Does this make him Punk? I think it makes him just another punk... ;)

Anyways, then you have the other white collar limpies who wanna relive the 80's and belong singing in Nashville instead.

How could anyone think this is actually cool? I mean, if you look at all the contestants, they could have been seen on American Idol. In fact, all this stupid shit is nothing more than AMERICAN IDOL REVISITED. That's what this is, kiddies. American Idol made some money, and CBS wanted to cash in on it.

At any rate, the contestants all sound like they probably hang out at karaoke bars in the "trendy" part of town. You know the one. It's the one that me and my friends are NOT at. When I sing karaoke, we're at the bar that WILL have a fight before the night is over.

You won't see any Pretty People singing at any concerts that I'm at, either. That's what gets won't see anybody that doesn't have the "image". You wouldn't see me up there, for instance. You wouldn't see half the awesome lead singers that I know up there. That's because we're not members of the "pretty people" brigade. We aren't models, we don't have head shots, and we aren't fit for "Tommy" or "Old Navy" commercials.

So, anyways...I'm skipping this show whenever I can...and lampooning the limpies always...