Rock Star INXS - Little Dolls Singer!

Doodoobubbachuck said:
Deanna is an incredibly kind person with a heart of gold. She is already a star in my book! :cool: I know what you mean about Jordis. Great voice!

Yeah, if I had to pick one person today to step into the job it would be Ty. Though I will only vote for Deanna. I did get a kick of how J.D. cut his own throat last night. Unfortunately he makes for good reality TV with all that drama. I think it will be J.D., Daphna and Heather on the block with Tara as an alternate choice if people felt sorry for heather being sick. :Spin:
This entire INXS thing is so fucking lame. I don't care how good the next singer will be nobody will pay to go see them out a major tour. This is just a sad attempt for this band to get publicity and most likely release a greatest hits CD with a few new songs. What ever works for them but this is just lame.

Congrats to your girl though I hope she does well!
Is it me or did JD's little stage show seem to be a total setup with the whole "haven't seen my sister in two years" bit? I think its a grand excuse as to why he couldn't sing to save his life last night...after all that went on between him and Jordis I wouldn't be a bit suprised if he planned it to cover his ass. Also, didn't it seem like almost everyone was a bit shaky last night?
Lord of Delusions said:
Is it me or did JD's little stage show seem to be a total setup with the whole "haven't seen my sister in two years" bit? I think its a grand excuse as to why he couldn't sing to save his life last night...after all that went on between him and Jordis I wouldn't be a bit suprised if he planned it to cover his ass. Also, didn't it seem like almost everyone was a bit shaky last night?

Yeah, especially when he blew the song practicing up in his room and at rehearsal. I don't think anyone bought it and he handed Jordis a much better song. I think if he'd grabbed Suffregette City he might have had a chance, he sounded a lot more like Bowie than Mercury. But we do get to see something you don't see very often, a singer with more ego than brains :Smug:
Deanna is being made to look so negative. Anyone that really knows her KNOWs she is SOooooooooooooooooooooo NOT NEGATIVE. Oh well. That's television drama for ya. She's so quiet on that show tho, it's kinda odd. She's playing it safe, but I'm not sure that is to her benefit at this poiht. She rules anyway! Go Deanna!!
We are all here for ya no matter what happens! :hotjump:
Ted Nugent has a song out called "Kiss My Ass".... I dedicate it to that vocal coach that criticized Deanna's singing technique last nite in front of a national audience.
Like anything else on TV I take it with a grain of salt and a shot of Jager. The vocal coach may have been edited the same way Deanna was and had more to say that was good, just not good TV. You notice how they pull you in one direction just to see things go the other way? Though I would like to hear what he could do to make Navarro sing LOL
Deanna sounded really good last night, but i am still sticking with Jordis. Ty didn't do a bad job on his song for not ever hearing it before. So right now I suppose I am going to go with Jordis at this point. I wouldn't be disappointed if Deanna or Ty got it though. :Spin:
Stone said:
Deanna sounded really good last night, but i am still sticking with Jordis. Ty didn't do a bad job on his song for not ever hearing it before. So right now I suppose I am going to go with Jordis at this point. I wouldn't be disappointed if Deanna or Ty got it though. :Spin:

Was talking to a friend the other day that used to hold a monthly all-female music jam at the bar in St Paul where Jordis was a waitress. Jordis had to be begged to go up onstage and sing. Don't think she will have to waste her time waitressing ever again!!
ya, I believe she has gotten rid of the stage fright...and finally they have her do an encore. Once again she was awesome.
Jordis sounded amazing on that song. So emotional. :worship: I read somewhere that she was on Star Search last year and was eliminated in the first round? Wild. Deanna is sounding great too!
The 1st night I heard Deanna I thought she would do a killer Melissa Etheridge I'm glad I got to see her do it. I wonder if they have certain people in mind when they choose songs in hopes they take them or if they are all chosen and it's just fate they get to pick from. Like when numb nuts took We Are The Champions when the Bowie song should have been his. He could have done Bowie very well had he checked his ego backstage :D
i don't know what people voting are thinking, yes Jordis is my pick, but Deanna kicked some major ass tonight!! Deanna being in the bottom 3 is what i call BS!
btw...Maidens, next Northwest trip you should bring Deanna and the rest of the little dolls with you. They would be a much, much better opening band than the one you had here in Yakima and I have never even heard the Littledolls before. That is of course if she isn't singing for INXS. :Smokin: