Rockstar - Supernova revisited

Bear said:
I thought Magni did great on his original song, he rocked the shit out of it....

My pics for bottom 3.

Pukas, Storm and Dilana
Magni just did not do as well this week as he has the last few weeks. Toby is clearly doing the best right now of the 5, imo. I really want :Puke: err Lukas gone along with Dilana. Did Gilby just rag on her song writing skills or what....
Bear said:
I thought Magni did great on his original song, he rocked the shit out of it....

My pics for bottom 3.

Pukas, Storm and Dilana

:lol: You crack me up!!!! Pukas/aka/Eddie Munster/aka/Skunk Boy.....:heh:

I'm with you, though, all the way.... :)
hyperdesire said:
some people know talent when they see it. (like me) i.e. right away. so perhaps the dudes picked the winner out in their minds and let the show run its course.

Listen to this man. He knows. He knows.
The auditions are real . These aren't actors.
Many of us know these vocalists from the bands they are in.
By the time you see the show on air, the band knows for the most part who will be in the mix, and they begin working on the album.
Sorry, I know no one wants to believe this, but it is true.
Alright. I liked that original. Magni is perfect for that band.

And Toby's song had some mad shredding. \m/
I have been saying for weeks that Dilana sucked, Lukas is not far behind. I knew Storm was gone when TOmmy didn;t deliver the axe and handed it off to Jason. I will tell you this, If PUkas or Pillana win I will have ZERO interest in what this band records.
VenomGA said:
I have been saying for weeks that Dilana sucked, Lukas is not far behind. I knew Storm was gone when TOmmy didn;t deliver the axe and handed it off to Jason. I will tell you this, If PUkas or Pillana win I will have ZERO interest in what this band records.

This band would have to get Olaf Hayer to front them before I'd buy anything they'll record! In other words, it ain't going to happen! :lol:
edgeofthorns said:
This band would have to get Olaf Hayer to front them before I'd buy anything they'll record! In other words, it ain't going to happen! :lol:
It's looking that way for me too. The more new songs I hear from the band, the less I like the band.
I am still pulling for Toby. I thought Magni hurt himself last night with his performances. I have a sneaky suspicion that Lukas is going to win. I did not think his performances last night were that great but the band seemed to love it, why I don;t know.
I thought Dilana was the best last night personally. She has the best voice, the most control, and the most power in my opinion. She actually sounds like she can sing, unlike the guys who just mainly yell and scream.

What do you all think?
I somewhat agree with Venom. But I thought that Magni was great last night. But yeah... at least Tommy didn't see it.

I've noticed lately that they've been trying to put everybody down at least once, except for Lukas. So perhaps Jasonic was right. I don't know. The best performance of the night was Ryan Starr anyhow >_>. That said.. I'm hoping Magni or Dilana wins it. Dilana has somewhat sold me lately.
I missed the first 30 minutes of the show last night, but caught Puke-ass' last song and then heard Dilana and Magni's full sets.

So, without the benefit of hearing Toby's performances, Dilana was easily the strongest of those three.

Whatever happens, it will definitely be interesting to see who "wins" tonight... I say that in quotes because being the singer for Supernova could just as easily kill their career... especially since the SN music, from what I've heard, is nothing all that special.
I thought TOby was the best, the Magni then Dilana and Pukas was just wretched...