Rocktron Gainiac 2. Good for the price?

Robert W

May 13, 2009
I have a little extra money to blow and was thinking of getting a preamp. I've read generally positive things about the Rocktron and was wondering if anyone hear had an first hand experience with it.

Also, can any of you recommend either a new or used preamp in the +/-$300 range?
The Gainiac has an amazing clean sound, but the distorted sounds are a bit iffy. Bear in mind it only has one 12ax7 tube, so I'm pretty sure there is also some solid state clipping involved. This is about the first generation Gainiac though, had one and sold it quickly. I am not sure about the Gainiac 2.

I second the Peavey Rockmaster suggestion, tons of gain on tap and really versatile active EQ on the drive channels.
I used to own one. It's a cool unit but its got a pretty old school metal sound. Best I can describe it as is what I'd think Pantera would sound like using a decent tube amp.