Roland SPD-S and kick trigger?


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
We have a SPD-S that we run to our PA for some intro/sample stuff.

I caught wind of being able to trigger a kick drum, and run it into the SPDS trigger IN.

I've done some research online and only found people talking about using the Trigger In to add another pad to the unit, if you understand.

Now, CAN I do what I think I can, and

1) Load a nice kick sample onto the SPDS
2) use a regular kick drum trigger on the kick and route it to the SPDS patch with the kick sample on it
3) Send that triggered sample to my audio interface/PA


Thanks. I dont own the SPDS so I dont know much about it.
I bought my SPD-S to do just this. It works fantastic. I have the kick trigger Roland makes as well. It takes some tweaking when you get all hooked up, but we have great results. The stock sounds aren't really useful, so I sampled a Slate kick, and I run that for the live shows. :) Also made my own 808s and sub drops in Pro Tools and have them on the pads. Personally I think it really took my band to the next level. Oh and I have the kicks panned left and all samples and 808s panned right for the sound guys. to have individual control over both.