Roland V-Drums TD-4S


Aug 23, 2008
Lafayette, LA
Was wondering if anyone had any experience with the TD-4S series Roland puts out. I'm looking to get an electronic kit (as I'm in an apartment), and I'm looking for some suggestions - preferably less than $1400 or so. Thanks.
It´s cool. I liked it. It has less whacky sounds than you would expect from a Roland modeule and more useful ones.
Anyway, check if your neighbours are cool because even ekits make some noise when played.
Yeah, especially if someone lives beneath you. The bassdrum pad can make a very annoying sound through the walls if you don't have a proper mat under or the pad touches a wall behind it. I don't have much under my kit, but then again I only have neighbors above me :)
The TD-4S is an awesome deal at $1000. I use one as a practice kit and as a MIDI controller for Superior and Addictive Drums. The ability to select the pieces of the kit and the internal mixer are awesome for dialing in the sound you're looking for. The rack is more compact and sturdy than previous versions too. My only gripe is that the hi-hat controller is a little unresponsive. Overall, a great piece of gear for the money.
the hihat controllers are usually the let down in Roland kits. At least the discontinued TD-3KV's and TD-6KV's (the one I have) have hihat pedals that get shitty and unresponsive over time, and the newer pedals look the same. There could be tutorials somewhere, to make them work better. Would be interested too.
dude, i'm drum addicted and was in a 3rd floor apartment...seriously, if you're not in a basement or a very rugged first floor, don't even bother with anything involving a real kick pedal, you'll just be very disappointed and not ever be able to use it. The best success i've ever had in an apartment was a roland HD-1, you can do double bass and despite it's wimpy appearance actually get pretty brutal with fact the trampoline like mesh snare pad makes it way too easy to blast at 952 BPM. i would use the MIDI out of the HD-1 into my firepod and play live with superior 2.0, was so fun. that was the only thing that didn't derive any complaints, unless i played it after bedtime. Even the zero impact quiet-as-can-possibly-be kick pedals made a wee bit of noise through the floor. if you get something that uses a real pedal, itt'l be thunderous below you. seriously. even a td20 mesh kick will be shaking the walls.
Luckily I live on the ground floor. So from your suggestions it seems like the 4S is a pretty solid system - I'm not a drummer by any means but I've been wanting to learn and just looking to have a little fun with it. What kind of double bass pedal would you suggest with it? I'm not sure I want to spend the money on a pair of axis long boards being kind of a novice.