Roll call for Symphony X Sunday night?

I hated Sanctity, but I liked the other bands. Symphony X put on a killer show! It was also that much nicer because a few of us who went bummed off of Jon's press pass and got to watch the show from the second floor. MUCH nicer!

Were you and Al both there? Damn, I didn't see you. I did see Jose, though - I couldn't get away from him, every time I turned around, there he was!! :) Just kidding, Jose! Also saw (pardon the mix of screen names) Rachel, Scott Huffman, Yippee38 and Yardleybates, Rocky Raccoon, Dusro2, John, a quick hello to J-Dubya, Chris Lotesto, MichaelTEOF. No Vito, though. Sorry to anyone else I didn't list yet, my laptop battery is about to die!

I'm glad you got the good seats for the show, but it sure is irritating that they didn't open up at least part of the loft for the general audience to spread out in. What's the point of having it?

The show was killer, the sound guy had no love for Pinella though. There were all the problems with Russ's mic however even through the issues SX still killed.

Sanctity didnt click for me, I guess I need to hear their studio releases.

You can say you dont like a band. Why would you bother to listen to a band that you really didnt care for live on their studio release??? I hate the fact that people are to scared to say they didnt like a band. I commend Orbweaver and Shadowlioness on being honest and saying that they didnt like them. Believe me...look at me. I say it enough...after 100 times it gets real easy. There are too many great other bands out there to be discovered...why waste time with a band you already dont like. try something different then. Grow some balls.
Got to agree with Bob on this one.
Nothing wrong with saying a band doesn't click for you.

Though some bands simply are not very good live.
I know for me this has happened where I saw a band live and was not terribly impressed. Then I heard their studio material and liked them.

Manilla Road is one example of this that comes to mind.
Ken - I'm suprised you didn't see Al! He was running around, wailing along with Symphony X! Though by this time we were upstairs.

I didn't see Yardley at the show! :(

Jose was all over the place. And very, very drunk. And whoever gave him a lighter (Shadowlioness, I"M LOOKING AT YOU!) is going to have to fight me now. Grr! :p

The show was quite well attended. That's why I was so happy to bum off of Jon's press pass and go upstairs. Once the show was over, Phil (Bavmorda's drummer) and I had a conversation:
Phil: Do you find yourself sexually attracted to Russell Allen?
Me: Err...yeeeesssss...
Phil: ME TOO!!!


Diabolik - I'm generally none too shy about saying I don't like a band. But I try to not be offensive when I say it. I recognise that while I may think a band stinks, other people may love them. I wouldn't like it if someone insulted one of the bands I like, after all. Which happens alot, actually. Apparently it's not cool to like Power Metal. Heh.
No one should ever be ashamed of any band or genre they like.
That is completely ridiculous.

If I discover a band and like them, I don't think, "Oh wait!! They are THIS genre.. that isn't too hip"

I wouldn't say power metal is a target too much, except for the cheese factor I suppose. Power metal is greatly rising in popularity in the states.
I wouldn't say power metal is a target too much, except for the cheese factor I suppose. Power metal is greatly rising in popularity in the states.

I've never been ashamed of being a PM fan. I was never aware I was SUPPOSED to be, and it always puzzled me as to why it was insulted so much. Unfortunately, regardless of its rise in popularity, Power Metal still ranks on the lower end of the metal totem pole.

If I was ashamed of the music I like, I would never admit to being a rampant fan of Broadway musicals. :loco:
I've never been ashamed of being a PM fan. I was never aware I was SUPPOSED to be, and it always puzzled me as to why it was insulted so much. Unfortunately, regardless of its rise in popularity, Power Metal still ranks on the lower end of the metal totem pole.

If I was ashamed of the music I like, I would never admit to being a rampant fan of Broadway musicals. :loco:

that is is Jason...that homo went to Wicked last week.
No one should ever be ashamed of any band or genre they like.
That is completely ridiculous.

If I discover a band and like them, I don't think, "Oh wait!! They are THIS genre.. that isn't too hip"

I wouldn't say power metal is a target too much, except for the cheese factor I suppose. Power metal is greatly rising in popularity in the states.

the sad part is there are people who wont like something because it is not hip or accepted. Look at when the whole folk metal thing started up...lots of people were turned off by it is thriving. Same with different offshoot genre's. I guess you like what you like and hate what you dont....that is my motto.
Bob - This is where I STRONGLY disagree with you.
You don't have to HATE something you don't like.
What is the point in that?

I extremely dislike most black metal, though I wouldn't say I hate it.
What is the point in hating something?
That's expressing too much emotion for something you don't care about to begin with.
Bob - This is where I STRONGLY disagree with you.
You don't have to HATE something you don't like.
What is the point in that?

I extremely dislike most black metal, though I wouldn't say I hate it.
What is the point in hating something?
That's expressing too much emotion for something you don't care about to begin with.

I am a hate-monger. I hate lots of things and people. If I dont like it....that means I hate it. It is worse when you bottle it up and not talk about it.
Excuse me for getting back on subject but......yeah that was an awesome show, this would be my first time seeing Symphony X and they are a great live band. Michael Romeo is an amaizing guitarrist in a "fat Yngwie" sort of way.
Many thanks to ShadowLioness for the pre and after parties and it was great to see everyone again.
I'd say that the floor was pretty much full all the way back to the stairs leading to the bathroom and since they weren't letting people come up to the balcony.....would that be full capacity? I don't know, I would grade it as a 9 out of 10.
I will get back on track for a minute..
I have seen Symph X two times. They were great both times.
An excellent live band. Definitely one of the best prog metal bands out there.
They are prog without being egotistical (musically, not personally) about it, if that makes sense.
Power metal fans are very defensive.

There are many power bands that if this were 20 years ago would simply be considered hair metal and not true metal.

I think this is why many power / prog fans get so defensive. It seems they are almost insecure about it.

Sorry for those of you who post there regularly, but a LARGE number of people on the Prog Power board seem to act this way.
I'd say that the floor was pretty much full all the way back to the stairs leading to the bathroom and since they weren't letting people come up to the balcony.....would that be full capacity? I don't know, I would grade it as a 9 out of 10.

Yeah...I figured it would be really crowded....I bet the Edguy show will too be the same way. Cant wait.