Roll call for Symphony X Sunday night?

OH! I almost forgot to mention the show I went to the bar to get a beer and guess what??...................NO HEINEKENS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
about 650 was the count....the balcony gets roped off
for shows around 600 so that the band has a full crowd
in front of the stage to play to....

the metro is 1100, HOB is 1300, PR is 1750+.

I KNEW The HOB was smaller than the PR.....

Anyway....getting back to the topic, I was there with my family.....everyone says that the PR isn't a good place, but we were there with my daughters, and security saw of the guards came up to us and told us that as long as it was just "us" he would give us wristbands to watch the bands from upstairs.....that was awesome!! *note to self....always bring the kids to metal shows at the PR from now on lol*
Also, the same security guy took my CD upstairs and had the band sign it for me.....the whole night rawked!!
Sacred Dawn seems to get better everytime we see them....they put on a good show....
As for Echoes of Eternity, we were on the main floor, and we couldn't hear her at all.....we were on the right side of the stage and all we heard were the guitars, and the bass drum, needless to say a little disappointing...
Sanctity reminded me a little bit of Motorhead (don't ask me why, they just did), but watching the "pit" from the balcony was the highlight of that part of the show for my girls....
Sym X.....well, barring the tech issues, and the pit during....ummm....the Odyssey(wtf?)... put on a helluva show. Have seen them everytime they have been here, and they never disappoint...:headbang: :worship:
Good show, even if it was on a Sunday night......
wow...I guess you know all. That is some very important info. That autographed CD is going to go for millions on Ebay:lol: You may want to hold on to that one to put your kids in college so they can learn that the HOB is smaller than the Pearl Room. did I know you were gonna make some half-a$$ed nasty far as I can see my kids are smarter in the ways of politeness than some people, at least THEY wouldn't be such a$$holes to people they barely know......your mother should have brought you up better:puke: did I know you were gonna make some half-a$$ed nasty far as I can see my kids are smarter in the ways of politeness than some people, at least THEY wouldn't be such a$$holes to people they barely know......your mother should have brought you up better:puke:

thanks for bringing up my mom...she died a year ago.

only reason I made the comment is because you made it sound like you were some genius when it came to sizes of we should all know this stuff.

Has the board gotten to this level where we have nothing else to talk about other than the size of a club?

we seriously need to start some new threads.....
thanks for bringing up my mom...she died a year ago.

only reason I made the comment is because you made it sound like you were some genius when it came to sizes of we should all know this stuff.

Has the board gotten to this level where we have nothing else to talk about other than the size of a club?

we seriously need to start some new threads.....

My mom passed away last year in January also....I said that, because YOU came off as being "sarcastic", as usual. If you would have been here, you would have seen me slap my leg and say I KNEW IT!! Not like I did, but being in both places, the HOB definitely seems to be a smaller venue.
I apologise about the comment I made regarding your mother....just thought you were being your normal cynical self.... :oops:
(and I DID try to put the topic back into perspective ;))
the only reason I am ever cynical or sarcastic is to make things more fun and lively....this place is the dumps without it.

No need to worry about my mom...she is in a better place. A urn.:lol:
OH! I almost forgot to mention the show I went to the bar to get a beer and guess what??...................NO HEINEKENS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

You are such a nerd. You mean the 6-pack of Heineken I provided you with pre-show wasn't enough?! :p I'm just giving you shit...

One comment about venue capacity. I swear I made a point to look at the capacity sign at the Pearl Room on Sunday and it said 1400. Perhaps that doesn't include the upstairs. I have seen that place pretty filled before, i.e. Anthrax w/Belladonna. Awesome show.