Roll call for Symphony X Sunday night?

I'd say that the floor was pretty much full all the way back to the stairs leading to the bathroom and since they weren't letting people come up to the balcony.....would that be full capacity? I don't know, I would grade it as a 9 out of 10.

roughly 650 there....1750 was considered "sold out" for the BLS show.
that still is a really good turnout. Does anyone know if they ever sold out a show there? it would suck being way in the back by the bar where you couldnt see the stage.

like i said, 1750 was considered a sold out show there....although they
packed more in when ICP played if you can believe it. i was at BLS and
while it was insanely packed, you could still see from all the way in the back.
that still isnt bad, I still think it is the location. Sure ICP drew tons of people there, but those people are a whole different class of people..can I even classify their fans as homo sapiens? I still think the location for the Pearl Room is what hurts most shows.

side note....In Uptown where I live...we had a ICP street gang. No kidding, these kids would walk around in their make up and stuff. It was something right out of The Warriors. I saw them a few times hanging out by the El stops and stuff. Then I heard from other people about them. The Cops and some locals pretty much got rip of these idiots. pretty funny.
Yeah, well we discussed the location factor a ton before Powerfest.
There is a whole scene of city metalheads that will never make it out to Pearl Room, no matter who plays.

I guess the same way that some people refuse to go into the city.

I dunno man. A summer Sunday for a band that is hyped to death, I would have expected a sold out crowd. Maybe all the other upcoming shows are going to impact each other adversely. (IE - Can't go to everything)
Jasonic - Personally, I think that while Paradise Lost is an awesome album, it shouldn't have taken 5 years to complete. And perhaps other fans felt the same way, and that's why there weren't as many people as anticipated.

However, I have never seen the Pearl Room that packed before. Granted, I've only been seeing shows there for about a year, and I don't go to crap like ICP and the like...
I think the passage of time is a very interesting topic here....

5 years ago there were a lot less power and prog metal bands touring.

Now bands people never thought they would ever see are doing full US tours.
There's a lot more competition for each of these tours.

Many, like myself, saw the line-up for this, and immediately said, "While I like Symph X, I can easily pass on this one as I have seen them a couple times already"
true...but there are always other factors with lack of turnout at shows. Summertime people have other things going on. There really wasnt any other show around this one. I dont see it as a flop so I dont even know why people are trying to figure out what happened. I think 650 is pretty good. Granted, if this show was at the Metro, it would have been sold out I bet or close to it. I think lots of shows are going to suffer from this, like Finntroll, Firewind, and Epica.

I dont think that since more bands are touring is effecting the turnout. The only time that this is going to happen is in September when we have that two week period...and now Within Temptation is added to the mix, plus that show is only 15 bucks at HOB. Very smart move. That is what Dragonforce did on their first US tour, did it real cheap.
Bob - It is the not-so-solid lineups that will hurt those shows.
Shame on their agents for not putting together a solid package.

Sure, certain power metal bands are easily a sure thing, like DragonForce and Sonata who went out alone the first time successfully.

This is not the case for Firewind or Finntroll.
Sure both are solid bands who have a lot of fans, but to be playing bigger shows as headliners is risky.
I agree that it is the weak tour package that really hurts the shows. No one wants to see a bunch of locals and one out of town band. I agree, a band like Finntroll wont draw on thier own, but with Leave's Eyes, at least it is an incentive for people on the fence or getting people who are just Leave's Eyes fans. Bands need a decent support act if it is their first run or so. Therion's tour showed that.
I'd say that the floor was pretty much full all the way back to the stairs leading to the bathroom and since they weren't letting people come up to the balcony.....would that be full capacity? I don't know, I would grade it as a 9 out of 10.
I think Chris was probably pretty close on his guess of 650. The bartender over at the Coliseum told me he thought there was 900 tickets sold, but the turnout wasn't quite that large.

I don't know why theuy had the upstairs blocked off .. it's been open for lesser turnout shows like Kamelot. The little rope didn't stop me though .. I ducked under it, and watched all of Symphony X's set from up there. I even left once to use the restroom .. security even held up the rope for me to let me out, and then back in. They must have thought I looked important .. yeah right ;)

about 650 was the count....the balcony gets roped off
for shows around 600 so that the band has a full crowd
in front of the stage to play to....

the metro is 1100, HOB is 1300, PR is 1750+.