rolling movie thread


Aug 21, 2002
Oly, WA
ITT we will post about movies we have seen recently

La Caja 507 (Box 507)
pretty well-made thriller from Spain. good acting, interesting plot. nothing mindblowing, but I enjoyed it. reminded me a bit of "Sexy Beast" both in tone and scenery.

American Beauty
I saw this when it first came out in theatres and really enjoyed it, so i was curious to how it held up. I think it does and even lends itself to a bit more introspection when you know how things are gonna end up. sure, there's a couple tacky 'Hollywood' kind of moments, but whatever. I'm not gonna be a snob about it.

Asphalt Jungle
Classic film noir that I saw at the Paramount Theatre, a huge art-deco landmark in downtown Oakland. Excellent in every way and apparently just issued on DVD.
hiroku the goblin - 1990 japanese horror. late 80's/early 90s japanese horror does not do it for me. bleh.

weather underground - documentary. good enough.
borei kaibyo yashiki - i almost bought this a few times, but nicheflix comes through. what looks like two movies (one black and white, one color) joined together, which i am always very much into. basically about a vengeful cat spirit woman, although the black and white footage depicts more of a strangulating hag ghost. the color stock (set as a flashback during the feudal era) has a jumping, hissing, white haired lady with cat ears. she manipulates people like puppets (only to lure them in and strangle them), can jump around and teleport. and possess.

there are japanese horror/monster films from the 30s and 40s that i hope aren't lost forever. mia, if you are reading this - do you know anything about this era?
no reason for having not seen it. I always meant to, but somehow never got around to it. I can't really explain it, but I just feel like I missed my chance and am no longer compelled to try.
i guess it's decent just to see Kinski with an incredible grief-stricken look on his face as he's forced to leap around and catch cats and get cuckolded, but that's about it.
the lord of the rings: I watched all three over the last three days and came to the conclusion that I would have chopped about an hour each out of the two towers and the return of the king.