rolling movie thread

Nick - I totally get what you're saying. In a way, I thought the ending was kind of a subtle way to let people know it wasn't necessarily serious. And I had no idea Craig David from Red Dwarf was in it - totally surprised me. I noticed a few of the subliminal pipes sightings. There's definitely quite a few. And yeah, most definitely stands the test of time and probably repeated viewings as well. The idea of even trying to watch Blair Witch again seems incredibly tedious. Probably 90% of the reason that movie worked at all was pure luck.

the hk film fest has so many horror movies! I don't know if I can watch that stuff in a theatre, but was prepared to make exceptions.

Ju-On in next on my nicheflix queue, followed by Lilja 4-ever.
avi/goatschool- did you ever see Big Head Monster? (not the Todd band)
i need to track down ghostwatch, sounds good.

we saw the village too, and it was pretty dece. i liked the end twist, it wasn't expected.
i haven't seen BHM, but people seem to like it.

am i the only one that liked blair witch? i haven't seen it in 6 years (!?) or so, but i thought it was pretty good for what it was.

avi, ju-on is one of my new favorites. i do find it weak in a lot of areas (especially after multiple views), but the endearing parts go toe to toe with the 'classics'.
haven't seen BHM, don't know anything about it actually.

I liked BW, I just think it's success (both financially and as a good movie) was a fluke.

I'm not feeling too tempted to see The Village, tho I am a fan of all his other movies. I'll probably rent it at some point I guess.
i liked BW. the first time we saw it was at the pre-engagement at piper's alley in chicago when it was first released before too much hype- upon exiting the theatre, there was a giant wall filled with CERAMIC CHILD HANDPRINTS. creepy.

and BHM is good. lots of interesting things although the end was too BW-like. the whole story was interesting and odd, and there was a lot of suspense.

and on the village, i dont' really know the rumored endings. we saw it blind pretty much, other than the "7 minutes unseen footage" hype crap they showed on ABC when they played Unbreakable.

i do want to see napoleon dynamite, although we've hit our quota of 3 movies per year already.

same way, kind of, with unbreakable. aysha said unbreakable was "THE WORST SUPERHERO MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN" because it didn't have throwing cars and amazing special effects and laser eyes and stuff. wtf!!!!
has anyone seen Lilja 4ever? Bueller?

I'm a big fan of Lukas Moodysson's other stuff (Together/Tilsammis[sic], Show me love/fucking åmål), but this one is supposed to be a downer.
saw starsky and hutch last night and it was pretty much everything I expected: good lightweight entertainment. not the sort of thing I'd pay $9 to see in the theatre, but most def a solid rental.
I've watched a lot of movies this week

28 days later was pretty great, but not really as creepy as I expected. more just tense and exciting. the alternate endings all kinda sucked.
I just saw Hero and thought it was pretty awesome! I saw the 108 minute director's cut and some parts felt like they dragged a bit, but I still liked it a lot.

Collateral was also good, and Alien vs. Predator was uh not-so-good.