rolling movie thread

The trailers are sort of misleading. I thought it would be a revenge movie like Kill Bill (only not crappy) but instead it turned out to be a lot like Rashomon, which I also saw recently.
i've decided to keep an in-head list of the films that would depict big concepts within/about human life to aliens, and i can only think of three right off the bat, which to me are probably synonymous with most-important movies:

full-metal jacket

unfortunately, i can't say ANY of those feature women, except aguirre, and while i think it is a good role (i'm not counting aguirre's daughter as anything more than a prop), it is more of a sketch.


i'd almost add 'come and see', but i think it diverges into ideas rather than experiences? at points.
i think we watched that @ the same time, then. i haven't watched it in years, and i realized that soundtrack that kicks in at the end enters my peripheral thoughts every so often and i don't even realize it. if that makes sense.

i think ADAM baldwin is great.
perhaps you should be thinking about documentaries Nick?
two of the most moving movies I can think of off the top of my head are Autumn Sonata and The Passion of Joan of Arc (orig. silent version)

btw, I saw a TV commercial for Hero on Sunday evening. The way they are trying to sell the film is so lame.
documentaries have been too overwhelming, lately. that chechen movie theater thing was rough. you're right, but then again that would be taking away from the movie/art aspect?

i haven't seen either of those, avi. i should make a point of it.
the acting in that film is pretty much across-the-board awesome--from Joker, to Hartman, to Pyle, and even the "characters" they meet along the way (like Animal).

you mean the wheezy, jangly death music they play when he's stalking the sniper at the end and also when he's looking at the pit of dead Vietnamese civilians covered with lime? yeah, that music rules. it reminds me kind of of the Cure's "Kyoto Song" and either of the two could be played during the descent through the spheres in the someday-to-be-made film version of "The Passion of New Eve".
fwiw, Autumn Sonata is THE most emotionally wrecking film I've seen, and it's not even in English. It's almost so charged, I'm not even sure I can really recommend it. Breaking the Waves almost competes to a point, but it's too contrived and reliant upon less-than-natural situations.

I haven't seen Full Metal Jacket in quite some time, but yeah - it's classic.
ju-on was EXTREMELY disappointing. what the fuck? hokey thin plot, totally overwrought music, almost completely worthless.

the ring was a gazillion times better.

now I'm gonna watch more episodes of 6 ft. under
go watch Garden State. It is excellent. It just came out today in Pittsburgh, it has different release dates all over. Its an independant film directed and written by Zach Braff from Scrubs and Natalie Portman. Good music, too... The Shins, Nick Drake, The Postal Service...