rolling movie thread

avi said:
Northern Exposure is just okay. Not bad, I just don't need to see it as a dvd rental. if it came on tv in syndication, I'd probably watch.

I don't remember too much about Branded to Kill, but I thought it was kind of a let down from how much I've heard it talked up. I didn't think it was too special compared to other kooky private-eye kind of movies of the same era.
fair enough. :)

Xtokalon said:
You can always download those too, you know.
I looked everywhere, but there were no subs around at the time. so, I deleted it due to space issues. :/
Dreams has to be one of my all time favorite films.
So far this weekend I have watched The passion of the Christ, which I thought was alright, but it's nothing I'll ever watch again. Also another Mel Gibson film, The Patriot.
As always I watched more cartoons than anything else. Lots of Futurama vol. 4 and a bit of Adult Swim last night.
My favorite Kurasowa films are the ones with Mifune, except for the Hidden Fortress. Not that Dreams is bad or anything (hell no), I just love the stuff that's more flim noir or like Yojimbo.
Ominous Luminous said:
Ran is the one that's based on King Lear right? Great movie!

That's Throne of Blood.

Ran has exceptional sound design, but otherwise not nearly as good as Throne...

The last movies to enter my eyes:

Decasia (Bill Morrison)
Solaris (Tarkowsky)
Spectres of the spectrum (Craig Baldwin)
Outer Space (Peter Tscherkassky)
Warnung vor einer heiligen Nutte (Fassbinder)
Die Marquise von O... (Eric Rohmer)
Såsom i en spegel aka Through a Glass Darkly (Ingmar Bergman)
+several others, but those were the good ones...
Firedwarf said:
I think you have them confused. I'm 100% positive Ran is based on King Lear.

And you're 120% fucking bloody right!!!!!

Throne is Macbeth....

It's getting late here up-north... if it's any excuse....
um.. i watched strange brew again last night.

and master and commander, which was ok - and secret window which was sort of interesting for half an hour and then really predictable. at least those were borrowed from family & i didn't pay for them.

we need a better video store here.
I got another third through Dreams last night before falling asleep. I was totally exhausted! the movie was really exciting and he was going into a tunnel full of SAVAGE DOGS when i drowsed!
picked up an asian copy of Hero on dvd for like $7.25 shipped; it said Region 0. hope it works.

i hate english dubs of asian films. need to get the asian dub of iron monkey and legend of drunken master and others. big asian film kick lately.