rolling movie thread

xfer said:
not watching the four-hour extended versions makes me cry inside.

Agreed!!! I love the extended editions. So much more Legolas. ;)

I saw The Village last night and it didn't suck as badly as I thought it would. Not what I expected at first but extremely predictable by the end. Overall review I would give it a 2.75/5 because it was better than bad but still not the best movie that has ever been made.
the Village looks so awesome. i tried to see it on Friday night, but it was sold out.

it sucks that I avoided learning the twist until Friday afternoon, when I saw it on The Other Board by accident. :(
I think M. Night is a good director, even if the material he's working with isn't top notch. he should do some films with other people's scripts for a bit methinks.
The Village is awesome, M. Night is way too smart to have the point of his films be just the "twist". In the Village's case, the reaction to the "twist" seems to be the point of it. i.e. you as the idealist viewer feeling what the village elders feel about the world outside their village, i.e. that it is shit, i.e. damn i wish it didn't end that way, i.e. yeah neither did they.
xfer said:

not watching the four-hour extended versions makes me cry inside.


yeah!!! I mean there is so much in the non-extended versions that I would have trimmed out to make room for the AWESOME stuff that got cut!!


a.j. = so hot
nix always watches these movies i wish i'd watch but then for some reason i never do and then he mentions them again and i'm all :/
I just saw Bugsy Malone, the all-children casted gangster musical from 1976 featuring a young Jodie Foster. The same year she did Taxi Driver, or so says IMDB.

What a weird fucking movie. Some elements were great, but some of the acting was kinda stiff. And the oversdubbed singing was lame especially because they used adult voices trying to sing like children. Music wasn't too bad though. but man, was it WEIRD.
I went and saw the Village on Friday night...very good! AND, the "twist", which I thought I knew, was not what I thought! so I guess there is a whisper campaign of fake twists going around, which is nice.

Toby's comment on the village reminded me that virtually everyone who disliked the (awesome) Signs completely missed the point, and took it as an "alien" movie and criticized it as an "alien" movie.
Last Friday: The Manchurian Candidate -- EXCELLENT. I loved it. I now want tto see the original with Sinatra. It was weirder than I expected, but it was good.

This past Friday: Collateral -- I hated it. It was one of the worst movies, ever. I didn't even think that Jamie Foxx or Tom Cruise even tried to act well, it seemed...
The Sinatra version is definitely worth watching, though the old timey movie effects and the black and white color scheme just make me think something ridiculous, and three stoogish is going to happen.
sinatra is really good in the man with the golden arm

400 blows was decent, but underwhelming considering it's "classic" status. my life does not feel enriched for having seen it.
saw Ghostwatch last night - it was pretty good. Definitely superior to Blair Witch by a huuuuuuuge margin. Willow complained that it started too slow, but I think that was part of its charm. The end got a little too overblown I think, but it still would've definitely freaked me out if I had seen it 'live' on TV.
i love ghostwatch. a lot.

it does get overblown, i think, but not until the last 10 seconds and you know, avi, i wonder if that final scene is sort of a colossal joke winkwinknudge in light of the fact that that dude is a fairly well-known host in the UK. like, imagine if mike wallace or someone was in that scene...

i also felt the acting was fairly well done and convincing, except for that jackass that played the NY paranormal expert and the UK in-studio expert, who was sort of good, sort of bad.

there's websites devoted to this show, where people point out all the semi-subliminal points where 'pipes' is spotted.

for '92, this totally stands the test of time, i think