Romeo speaks,,,?

The Yngster said:
Good, make it heavy

^^ What he said.

I actually wouldnt mind a heavier SX album. As long as the keys arent forgotten about in the mix. You're all going ape-shit because he wants to go HEAVIER?! OMG OMG OMG. I think they want to make themselves more broad to attract more and more fans. Hell - if I sold 100k copies, i'd be looking to top that. I think thats what there gonna do.

Its not the end of the world that they may not do an epic. We still have the Odyssey, DWoT, Rediscovery, etc to tie us over for a while.

Go for it SX! Kick my ass
I hope they still have the melodic elements to the songs. Maybe not full-blown orchestra, but some stuff with a lot of keys would be nice. I mean their name is _Symphony_ X... I just kinda miss the neoclassical stuff, or even the kinda semi-neoclassical stuff.

Meh. It's SX, it will rock either way.
Heavier than the Odyssey? I say bring it on! :D I think it's cool they're only going to have *some* orchestral tracks. I'm all about a little variety. While I love their orchestral side, I love seeing/hearing them play the dark and heavy songs as well.
I also look forward to hearing this Verni side project Romeo's working on. I love hearing musicians out of their elements! :)
They can stay heavy, and that's cool with me. But I'd like at least one of those solos like the intro of Damnation Game or the intro of Out of the Ashes. Totally neoclassical. Inferno's intro just didn't have the same feel, and almost sounds like a Trilogy Suite ripoff ::ducks::
I really do not know what to think, I miss the orchestrations of "V" actually, but at the sae time I love "King of Terrors" and most of the Odyssey album. Then again, the title track was the best track on the cd, and Romeo says that they WILL NOT have a similar epic on the new album, I`m nervous, why continue as heavy? I want better production, more Pinnella, more neoclassical and SYMPHONIC elements, as I want long epic songs and shorter songs...Of course they will notinclude all of these elements on one cd, (Hey, Romeo already said they wouldn`t) but if they do not include any of them, then I will most probably be dissapointed, even though the cd will most likely be the BEST OF 2004!
Amen to heaviness! Odyssey is my favorite album so I have a feeling this one will kick my ass just as hard. I will say though, that I agree that no SymX album is complete without an epic. It's like one of the things I look forward to hearing from know, what will they come up with for another 26 minute time block? I'll also say amen to neoclassical and orchestration...but the mix of those with badass heaviness is the absolute perfect combination. And dammit, it better have some piano on it :)
I thought The Odyssey was the perfect album. It was seriously BRUTAL NEOCLASSICAL METAL. So fucking heavy, yet so melodic and neoclassical. I wouldn't mind them going heavier as long as the keyboards and neoclassical elements don't vanish. I mean, heavy is nice, but the neoclassical elements are what make Symphony X Symphony X.
SpiritCrusherX said:
I thought The Odyssey was the perfect album. It was seriously BRUTAL NEOCLASSICAL METAL. So fucking heavy, yet so melodic and neoclassical. I wouldn't mind them going heavier as long as the keyboards and neoclassical elements don't vanish. I mean, heavy is nice, but the neoclassical elements are what make Symphony X Symphony X.
I agree with you 100%. As much as I was blown away by V, after The Odyssey, I knew these guys could accomplish a very amazing thing. Heavier is fine with me, and I think they all are wise enough to not compromise what they are. I really am anxious for a new collection of songs. This one will catapult them right to the top, I just know it. But we sure will miss the small club gigs.
Pharoah said:
I agree with you 100%. As much as I was blown away by V, after The Odyssey, I knew these guys could accomplish a very amazing thing. Heavier is fine with me, and I think they all are wise enough to not compromise what they are. I really am anxious for a new collection of songs. This one will catapult them right to the top, I just know it. But we sure will miss the small club gigs.

Yeah man, and HEAVY is usually what is best suited to my tastes because I like a lot of death metal, but even I can realize that Symphony X are truly defined by their melodic, neoclassical passages, and they are more important than the heaviness. But of course, you've still got to have the heaviness there.
Am I the only one here who loves Romeo's work with Kotipelto? Its really great to see him outside of his usual surroundings in a more oldschool trad/power metal setting. He plays some seriously tasty solos on Kotipelto's albums, some of my favorite leads of his are on them.

Oh, and I hope the next SymX album is heavier than The Odyssey. :D
I'm up for ANYTHING!! As long as we get something.. I am just excitted about a new SymX Cd...
Plus I don't think you guys have anything to worry about, about lossing the keys, I don't believe Pinnella would just "Not" show off some:) .. After all he has been w/Romeo since the beginning, I don't see him slowing down anytime real soon. He has too many fans out there, I know he wouldn't want to dissappoint all of us.:p I am sure they know what they are doin'. As long as they stay true to themselves and there music, i'll be happy. Thats why I love them sooo..:headbang: