Romeo speaks,,,?

ah, there it goes.:dopey:

I think they will stay true to their nature. The NUMBER ONE reason being that they are just so uncanny at writing VERY musical songs and definitely ENJOY the challenge of composing them. I have no doubt that Romeo and Co. will come up with another gem whether heavier or more progressive(although I would definitely prefer the latter) while at the same time being a completely different record. I mean you KNOW it's gonna be about the quality.
Though I'd definitely prefer that it be more progressive, melodic, and neoclassical; it will just be great to receive more GREAT SONGS again.
I mean that, if anything is their penchant.
I could live without orchestration, but I´d definitely prefer diversely instrumented songs (lotsa keyboards, acoustic guitar, prominent bass etc.) such as their old Kansas-style epics over the full-blown riff assault of the heavier songs of TO.
theodyssey said:
I think that this album will further divide the symx camp between the metalheads and the prog nerds
I definately agree with Zach there.

I like heavy, The Odyssey albums heaviness was great, but lyrically i thought it needed an epic like the title song to hold the whole album over. my biggest fear is of an album full of "incantations of the apprentice" and "the turning" where the lyrics arent all that great and the songs have that bit of emptiness to them. I really hope it doesnt end up like that in an attempt to gain dead heads as fans to sell a greater number of albums. I'm sure I'm just being paranoid though, of course they will come up with something to make us as proud of them as we are now, it doesnt have to be another V or Divine Wings Of Tragedy to be great.