Room EQ Wizard w/ Alpha-Link, MadiXtreme

Apr 5, 2008
So I'm trying to take some measurements of my room before I put in superchunks, and I can't get past the first step of REW (the sound card calibration). I thought that if I selected the left channel in the preferences, plugged analog out 1 directly into analog in 1, and set the routing on the Alpha-Link to "analog" for the in and out that it would work, but I'm getting the same level as if I don't have anything connected at all.

I tried searching here and watching the tutorial videos on YT but I haven't gotten anywhere. Also scoured the REW forums and found one person with a similar issue but no one responded to his thread. I'm not looking for 100% accuracy, and I'm sure that my interface isn't coloring the sound THAT much... just wanting to see how much the treatment helps and identify any major problem frequencies in the room. Maybe it would be okay to just skip this step?
There's still alternatives if it doesn't work with REW: Audionet Carma, FuzzMeasure, etc.
I found AudioNet Carma to be the most comfortable program to measure my room.

The difference for my room made me shit bricks (Slightly different cornertraps than superchunks though, they're even bigger):

