ROOMMATE update and bitching about mouse in this thread


Nov 8, 2001
New York City
So we interviewed a bunch of people yesterday for the guy was all right, but kind of uptight-seeming (buyer for Staples)...then a girl came in who we all really liked. She brought her brother with her (good idea, I think) and seemed pretty normal; Ithaca college graduate, communications, looking for a job and will be waitressing in the meantime, but her father will give her whatever $ she needs to pay the bills until she finds said job; seemed okay with weed smoking, voiced a little concern about cigarettes in the common area, but since only Bill smokes now I think we all share those concerns.

The second girl we only talked to on the phone--she's in Minnesota, coming here to attend Suffolk Law in September, and she's not too too happy about having to go with a place sight unseen, but that's what she's going to have to do. She seemed pretty nice, emphasized how laid-back she was, paying for everything in student loans (hoorah), didn't care about cigarettes, voiced thumbs up to the pot-smoking, doesn't care too much about neatness but says she, herself, is very conscious of cleaning up her own stuff.

So now I feel a bit better about this, and I'm at the point where I don't know which of the two to choose (Bill is leaning toward the first girl simply because he didn't talk to the phone-girl at all, Lisa's leaning toward the phone-girl slightly) and, especially, how to tell the other one "fuckoff". I think phone-girl (Irene) sounds a little weirder which is both better and potentially worse (just in terms of stability). Advice would be appreciated.

Here's a picture of Irene she sent me, with ukelele:

if you are interested in potential future posting awesomeness, go with #2. for stability and ease of conscience, door #1.

of course, i could totally be wrong. one never knows.
Well, I'm also kind of worried about potential strife with someone who is not super-easygoing (as Irene repeatedly described herself, and even if she was exaggerating, I think it will be "self-fulfilling prophecy" in a way; if you've described yourself as laid-back over and over, you tend to try to react in a laid-back way when issues come up, right?)
and my trackball mouse is all fucked up and stutters across the screen. why can't the library shell out an extra five or ten bucks for a long-lasting optical mouse?!
they're both cool-seeming...I wish, if Grant DOES end up moving out, the other one will move into his room. But that's really rough, being like "Hey, you're our second choice, but do you want to move into the smaller, not-as-nice attic room? It's cheaper!"
INTERESTING how STAPLES dude isn't even an option at this point. he gets a mere 13 words and an ellipsis!

i am going to agree with avi on his first post up there. irene is going to sit around nude and not care how often she expels gas from either end. this is trouble waiting to happen.

girl #1 is expressing a little bit of responsible concern and is willing to work for her upkeep. i'd think with all the instability you post about, there wouldn't be so much of a question here...
ok, an update: Bill called me and en route to work this morning, Grant told him he WAS for sure moving in with his girlfriend. (i still gotta talk to Grant to make sure he's positive)

so what i'm thinking is: Irene hasn't seen the room. She wants a place to live and cool roommates. what if we see if Emily wants the room, and tell Irene that somebody who came by earlier had given us the deposit, but we think she sounds cool and would she like a different, smaller room for $120 less per month? (475 vs 595). so, have our cake and eat it, too?
STAPLES dude was kind of a tool. he talked about moving out of his apartment "because of the dishes, they always leave dishes in the sink" and then we walked right into the kitchen where a sink was full of dishes.
Sent Emily an email and she'd already found another room. So I just sent Irene one and (hopefully) she'll say Yes.

That just leaves Grant's room to find someone for, if this works out...
Leaving dishes in the sink = :(

My old roommates did that so much, I was unable to clean my OWN dishes due to lack of space. I just ended up eating nothing but microwaveable food for the past two years...
i prefer them anywhere BUT the sink, so i can do dishes and use the garbage disposal. i've noticed that when dishes are stacked on the counter or something, the pile never gets too big; as soon as someone dumps the whole pile in the sink, things balloon hugely out of control because nobody wants to do the old dishes and can't do their new dishes.
Yeah, as long as the garbage disposal's not blocked under a pile of dishes and half-eaten food, I'm happy. Unfortunately, my roommates were the type who put all their stuff in the wrong half of the sink...

Seriously, why on EARTH would someone block the garbage disposal, but keep that shitty little incompetent drain thing perfectly untouched???
I leave dishes in the sink, but I prefer a rotating schedule of someone washing the dishes every night. Someone always ends up throwing that out though, complaining about how "I haven't eaten here in a couple days" or something. Tough fuckin titties, do 'em anyways. Sometimes I don't have the time to do the dishes as soon as I use them and those motherfuckers are going to sit in that sink until I or someone else gets the time to do them.

My main problem with a roommate is the bitchy type of roommate who's always getting on my case. Oh! You left a book on the coffee table! Oh! The music is too loud! Oh! The TV show you are watching sucks! Blah blah blah.
And the sink around here is one big bin, it's not split in halves (FUCK I HATE THAT).

And do you really pay almost $600 per month each????????

That can't be serious. :(

I pay $275 a month and I'm moving somewhere cheaper and much nicer (swimming pool, gym, kitchen that doesn't suck, non-constant construction work, etc.) and I don't live in a slum... well mostly not a slum.
Well, I and most people I know rinse the dishes with water immediately after eating so that the food doesn't crust up and shit. And this is mainly pots and pans we are talking about, plates and utensils and shit go in the dishwasher. But the big 'ol skillets and tupperware shit and all that gets the good ol' sink treatment.
i can't believe a setup where people "take turns washing dishes" would ever work in a non-marriage situation.

$275 for rent?? jesus christ. It's pretty common to have a $1400/month two-bedroom in boston, plus utilities. i pay $525+utils because i live with four other people (umm...two right now, i guess) and have no closet.