Rose of sharyn tone test - with Koch amp (dutch amp builder)


May 2, 2007
The Netherlands
Finally I got a little more spare time to record my amp. It's an Koch (dutch amp), 120 watt EL34 tubes and a Koch 4x12 with V30's.

I recorded 4 tracks, two with a sm57 and the other two with a md421. Panned 80% and 100%. This clip is without bass, and no processing what so ever has been done. Guitar was a Orville Les Paul custom with a seymour duncan distortion.

I wasn't really happy with this amp anymore, but after this recording I think I'm gonna keep it a bit longer.

So what do you guys think of the guitar tone (sorry for the crappy playing)?

Rose of sharyn intro riff

Second try (sound better too me. Mids are at 3 o'clock, which added lots of low end and lowered the highs. I cut much on the lows and a really little boost on the high too make it more clear.)

With bass
Second version sounds better but a bit woofy on the low end.

I am trying to judge the character of the recorded guitar tone and it seems based on the first clip that I hear some of the room sound in the recording as well as some high end harshness.

Whats your room like and where is the mic placed on the speaker?
Second version sounds better but a bit woofy on the low end.

I am trying to judge the character of the recorded guitar tone and it seems based on the first clip that I hear some of the room sound in the recording as well as some high end harshness.

Whats your room like and where is the mic placed on the speaker?

Room is about 3 by 4 meters, but with on one site a slanted wall. This might give a weird effect.

The mic was placed about half way, between the center of the cone and the edge of the speaker. Leaning a little bit more towards the cone.

You're talking about the room sound, does this have a bad invluence on the guitar sound?
I like it! I like a more scooped tone like this. It's really aggresive sounding.