

Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Not sure if anyone here is into the whole post-Rock genre, but a buddy of mine yesterday recommended to me the band, Rosetta.

I think they're pretty cool and I will definitely be buying their new album.

Let me know if you like or if you have any other band suggestions for me in this style. I'm a huge fan of bands like Zao, BoySetsFire, Countervail, etc, but I don't really want anything Hardcore. This style, to me, is the perfect evolution of these other bands I mentioned. Thanks! :)
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Check my sig. We're not screamy... in fact the stuff you can hear of us is all instrumental... but have a similar love for atmosphere and space.
I've gotten to a stage where I can't listen to "in your face" metal all day.
And then I discovered post rock and post metal and it was my savior.
Isis is still my favorite post metal band ever, but yeah I dig me some Rosetta too.
Check out some stuff like This Will Destroy You, Mono, Red Sparowes and Long Distance Calling for some other fine post rock bands
I've gotten to a stage where I can't listen to "in your face" metal all day.
And then I discovered post rock and post metal and it was my savior.
Isis is still my favorite post metal band ever, but yeah I dig me some Rosetta too.
Check out some stuff like This Will Destroy You, Mono, Red Sparowes and Long Distance Calling for some other fine post rock bands

yep.. not familiar iwth Long Distance Calling... but Sparrowes, This Will Destroy You, and Mono are great.

so are Mogwai, Souvenir's Young America, Russian Circles, and even post-blackmetal stuff like Alcest, Amesoeurs, and Year Of No Light.
Yep, I can totally stand behind Souvenir's Young America, Mogwai and Russian Circles too.
I've only heard one Souvenir's Young America album though, but I've got a lot of stuff from Mogwai, and all of Russian Circle's studio album stuff.
I should check out those post-black metal band you listed James.
My favorite from that genre is Agalloch with their album "Ashes Against the Grain" although it has some doom metal elements too I think.
They even did a full neo-folk EP with their White EP. I think they only printed 2000 copies of it, I managed to snag one luckily.
Thanks everyone for your responses with recommendations! Y'all rock! :)

Aside from the other bands you all have mentioned, I've also been recommended by another friend of mine the following:

Cult of Luna
Old Man Gloom
The Chariot

I'm really enjoying listening to Russian Circles right now. This stuff is great too -- especially for a 3-piece band! I HAVE TO see this live someday! lol

@Drew: I'm totally digging your TACOMA NARROWS BRIDGE DISASTER project. Sounds good!

Thanks again everyone. Keep the suggestions coming if you think of something else. :wave:
On the heavier side check out Tides, Giant and Callisto. For mellower stuff, Godspeed You Black Emperor, A Silver Mt. Zion's earlier stuff and the first Grails album is amazing, before they turned into a weird jam band. Oh and I don't think anyone mentioned Neurosis yet, pretty much the originators of post metal. A lot of people into post rock stuff dig Explosion in the Sky, so they might be worth checking out, but they never really did anything for me
Intronaut have one of the best rhythm sections ever. Prehistoricisms is a badass album.

Lots of good recommendations here, I'd like to add Grayceon's self-titled debut.

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more killer post-blackmetal: Krallice

James, have you heard Liturgy? It's a bit too hectic/repetitive for some, but I really dig the chord choices they use and the layering. Same camp as Krallice, in fact, I believe the dude from Krallice recorded/produced their disc.

My band actually shares a practice space with Intronaut, those dudes are ridiculously good musicians. I think they're just wrapping up recording their new record, I don't know if there is a release date yet
Intronaut have one of the best rhythm sections ever. Prehistoricisms is a badass album.

Lots of good recommendations here, I'd like to add Grayceon's self-titled debut.
James, have you heard Liturgy? It's a bit too hectic/repetitive for some, but I really dig the chord choices they use and the layering. Same camp as Krallice, in fact, I believe the dude from Krallice recorded/produced their disc.


no, but i'lll check it out.... another post-black thing, and again French, is Lantlôs.... check out their new CD, ".neon".