

Mistress Sassmuffin
Feb 11, 2002
Tampa, FL
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Roudness at Jaxx, April 1st...anybody interested in going? Apparently the Brygger boys will be opening, and I haven't seen them in ages so I'll be there.

April 1st, MB and I will be in NYC for the Dream Theater 20th Anniversary show at Radio City Music Hall, and a meetup beforehand of over 70 people from the DT board (many of which I've known for close to 6 years).
Hyperplex said:
April 1st, MB and I will be in NYC for the Dream Theater 20th Anniversary show at Radio City Music Hall, and a meetup beforehand of over 70 people from the DT board (many of which I've known for close to 6 years).

When you told me about this, I found myself wondering how many of them *I* know - I was a Ytsejammer for many years, as were several others that post here.

Should be fun. ;)
We will also be at that Dream Theater show. We won't be going to the gathering, since there's a $35 charge to get in. Would have been nice to meet some people that I've talked to online for years, but spending $70+ when you can't drink and have a restricted diet is, um, not fun. Not sure why the gathering couldn't just be at a bar and everyone shows up and is responsible for their own food/drink, but I'm not in charge. Mary and I will find somewhere to interesting to eat before the show, I'm sure. Though my definition of "interesting" and hers differ a little bit...:D

I think I've met just about everyone I ever wanted to meet of Ye Olde Ytsejam crowd (and a few I didn't!). Except for Mosh and Bafu. I don't have enough interest in DT anymore to make a trip to NYC for the show, though, that's for sure.
Actually, I've met most of them as well. The gathering seems to be mostly from, and I never really got into that board (too many boards, not enough time!). I mostly post on the Portnoy board since the mass exodus from the Ytsejam many years ago.

While I'm not a huge fan of DT's recent music (though I did like Train Of Thought), they always put on a great live show, and we always have a good time in NYC, so we decided this show would probably be a good time. Plus, they ended up not really playing anywhere near Baltimore this time, so it worked out.

I'd totally go see Loudness, though. I remember seeing them about a billion years ago opening up for someone else, and remember them being pretty good with a really good guitar player...

In all honesty, I am going more for the meetup than for the DT show. I really don't care much for either ToT or Octavarium, but the older stuff still kicks.

I've been on the board almost since its creation (within a few months, at least, sometime in early 2000) as an EZboard and have met quite a few of the east coasters from there already (in fact, Matt from OC was how I met you guys in the first place). There are still a few regs from the good ol' days who will be there that I have yet to meet but still frequently talk to online. The vast majority of those going to the meetup are newer boarders and tagalongs, but there are some cool people within that group, too.

Yeah, it should be fun...although unlike many who are traveling, I think MB and I are skipping the whole hotel thing and just booking it home on a post-show train.