Rough mix from my band's new album, need criticism/advice!


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Hey guys, my band just got the first mix of our new album on Sunday, here's one song for you to check out...

So far, what we've talked about as a band is that the guitars need to come WAY up because they are way behind the drums, and I think the toms need to come down, and snare up a tiny bit maybe. Also, there's this violin part in the middle that sounds really fucked, I don't know why, too much reverb or something. Anyways, I don't have the ear or talent that most of you guys have, so I came here looking for your opinions so I can let the guy doing our mix know what to change for the second one! The guitar tone in general doesn't sound as heavy as I would've liked, its 2 tracks of a Flextone head mic'd with a 57 and 2 tracks of a lower gain tone direct with a V-Amp Pro. The Flextone sound was actually really heavy, so I think maybe the balance between the 2 tones needs to be changed as well as all of it coming up in volume in general. Anyways! Advice/criticism would be really appreciated! Thanks!
Forbidden from the Decrepit forum?
And guitars should be more upfront/louder, atleast thats what i heard first time i listened.
Vocals sound cool, maybe give the drums some more compression to make it pump more.
Sounds good! A little more guitars and a little less vocals maybe, not posative about the vocals. The playing sounds really good!