Roy Khan leaving Kamelot

Ah that's too bad. He's really made the bulk of Kamelot stuff I like (except Poetry for the Poisoned) and I was hoping to hear them come back with something stronger for the next album. Here's hoping the replacement can fill even a bit of his shoes.
Reminds me of when certain users on Rhapsody's message board had assumed long in advance that Rhapsody was dead... except they were proven wrong :lol:
Although I was never a big Kamelot fan, I realize the impact this must have on their fanbase. Khan was pretty much was set them apart, at least to me. Well, at least there are still the excellent albums Fourth Legacy, Karma, Epica and The Black Halo to testify to his vocal talents.
I still stand firm on my opinion that Ghost Opera is their strongest release yet. Poetry for the Poisoned was battling for that spot but in recent months I've realized I don't care for the title track as much as I thought I did (only Part 2 - So Long really holds up, and it's excellent) and House On A Hill is just middle of the road to me. Once Upon A Time is the closest thing on the album to sounding like their older, straight power metal sound, but it's a little forgettable. I think all the other songs are amazing though (Hunter's Season, Necropolis, Seal of Woven Years, etc.) but because of the lackluster title track I rank it just below Ghost Opera.

I realize I'm in a minority, but I can't get into The Black Halo as much as other people! The first four songs, the title track, and Nothing Ever Dies are awesome, but I don't care for the others. Those six songs kick serious ass - the others just don't click with me though.
Yeah, from everything I've seen he seems to be doing a killer job. And he's one of my all-time favorite singers! He has a spectacular voice.
I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Fabio is one of my favourite vocalists and he did a pretty damn good job with Kamelot :)

I'll go ahead and disagree with you there as well, I watched the videos of him live with Kamelot and he's not even singing the songs how they should be sung, it hurts my ears how bad it sounds. :puke:

My opinion is that he has one of the worst voices in all of Metal, and his accent sucks royal camel schlong.:devil:
Interesting... never heard of the guy before but he wasn't bad!