Roy Khan leaving Kamelot

does this mean Rhapsody is finally disbanding? I really hope so! :hahamiddlefinger: I can't even stand looking at his face, he makes me want to puke. :ill:


Not to get at Shredgirl for her opinion, that's fine to be impassioned, even to the point of wishing a band to break up, but 'ew I hate that singer so much his face revolts me' is daft. Hope it was jokey.
Hey now, I wasn't being sarcastic. So there's no need to repeat what I said :(
I wasn't being sarcastic either hon, nor was I repeating what you said, I was just saying what was on my mind at the time and it came out that way. :)

Why would it make an iota of difference to you if Rhapsody disbanded? If you don't like them, don't listen to them, simple! There are a great many bands I don't care for but I don't feel the need to vehemently slate them at every given opportunity!
It makes a hell of a difference when someone I despise threatens even by a mere chance to ruin a band I absolutely love. :heh:

I don't listen to them, but I reserve my right to vehemently slate them at every given opportunity that I feel necessary. ;)

I can understand not liking Fabio or Rhapsody but to wish that they disband is absurd and irrational... Especially given their importance in the world of power metal. All the members of that band are quite talented musicians and songwriters...
I don't see them as that important in the world of power metal to be honest, and I don't care much for the other members of the band as well, but Luca "The Mullet King" Turrilli sure has one hell of a do on him. :worship:

As for talented musicians and songwriters, well, I see loads of that on youtube. :loco:

I am glad that they have decided to end once and for all their saga of fantacheese albums, maybe now they'll write and perform some real power metal? :D


Not to get at Shredgirl for her opinion, that's fine to be impassioned, even to the point of wishing a band to break up, but 'ew I hate that singer so much his face revolts me' is daft. Hope it was jokey.
Thanks. :)

As for my opinion on his looks, well, I'm female, so I wouldn't expect you to understand. :p hehehe
Other points aside... you don't see them as that important? They pretty much inspired an entire new generation of symphonic, story-driven power metal. Not to mention Luca Turilli is a massively influential guitarist and songwriter.
Ok very late to the table with this but after a morning of non-stop Kamelot listening I looked into Khan's departure closer than I had before. I didn't notice that there was a religious reason behind his leaving. This seems crazy and I'm surprised no one's mentioned it. Something about him having a religious conversion (a monotheistic 'God' by the looks of it) and deciding to pull from the band based on that. Does anyone know more about this?
Yeah, Dom, I read a lot on it. Apparently he'd travel back to Oslo *during* tour, many times, just to do something with the church or his own personal religious things. Nothing wrong with having a religious affiliation, of course, but it doesn't seem like that's something convenient to do while on tour! Thomas certainly wasn't happy with it, but I guess Roy's had some sort of revelation/'rebirth' and is following his own path now. Apparently that's why they postponed the 2010 North American tour for a year, because Roy was falling ill - physically or mentally, or both, from the reports I've read.

Needless to say Thomas certainly wasn't pleased for a while after he announced his departure and he came off as such in interviews...
Nothing wrong at all but I put this as a supremely irresponsible thing to do as far as commitment to the band and the touring goes. Personal issues like bereavement or for your own health people can understand but I really don't think any sort of religious crisis or fervency should mess everything up for thousands of fans & so on. I don't know the details so I won't be too hard on him but I can't help feeling this is a sorry excuse of a reason to quit after coming all this way. At the end of the day you have one life you gotta do what makes you happy, I guess.
I agree, Dom. It's very sad especially considering how unique he made the band, how big a role he played in the songwriting, and how adored he was by the fans.