Roy Khan

His performance at PPII was off the charts. His performance at PPV bored me. His Conception perfromance was strong, though I find I'm less enthralled with him as a live vocalist than I once was. That said, the man has stage presence to spare.

SinDizzy said:
Am I the only one that noticed that this guy seemed to really hate what he was doing? I mean, he would sing a line then hang his head and shoulders and act like it was just kiliing hime to be there. Dude, if you hate it that bad, then quit and get a "real" job, see how you like that.

I think you're way off base. I'll take the smoldering, passionate presence of Khan over something like that clown from Manticora any day of the week.
I thought he had a quiet intensity of sorts, very emotional, very sincere, not contrived at all, no need to fall back on theatrics or histrionics to get the feeling across. Quite possibly the best ProgPower performance ever, and I've been to all of em...
SinDizzy said:
Am I the only one that noticed that this guy seemed to really hate what he was doing? I mean, he would sing a line then hang his head and shoulders and act like it was just kiliing hime to be there. Dude, if you hate it that bad, then quit and get a "real" job, see how you like that.

I am glad other people noticed too...:Smug:
woosta said:
I noticed this too, SD, and I commented about it in another post. I guess if you're a fan you don't care or you see it differently. I'm not a fan and he never wins me over be it with Conception or Kamelot. I don't really get the "emotion" and as far as catching his breath, he's not really over-exerting himself to merit a rest, IMO.

Totally with you on that one, I mean, his fans are going to defend him, but I prefer someone who blows me away, not someone who bores me away.
SinDizzy said:
Am I the only one that noticed that this guy seemed to really hate what he was doing? I mean, he would sing a line then hang his head and shoulders and act like it was just kiliing hime to be there. Dude, if you hate it that bad, then quit and get a "real" job, see how you like that.

I'll tell you what you are the only one that did; make an idiotic remark stating that Khan should get a "real" job if it was killing him to be there. First off, I happen to know first hand that he was thrilled to be there performing with his friends and former band mates. He wouldn't have flown all the way from Norway and rehearse songs he hasn't sung in over 7 years if he didn't want to be there. And since when is what these guys do not a job? Just because it brings fans enjoyment doesn't mean that these guys don't work their asses of recording, rehearsing, travelling, and gigging every other night for many months out of the year. You really need to get a clue before you start criticizing ; Khan exudes emotion and his demeanor compliments his vocal style. I will go as far as saying that there was not one other singer there that exhibited such sincere emotion while performing (and that is not to take anything away from all of the other talented vocalists).

You ever think that the fact that he hangs his head is because he is feeling the music? The guy practically gets right up to the crowd on his knees singing his heart out and then you have to come here and post that he seemed to hate what he is doing. You're reasoning is flawed and unsupported.
I do think it's pretty funny that there are a few people really pissed just because I don't like a certain vocalist that they like. If you didn't like someone that I liked, I really wouldn't care. I certainly would not be upset about it. Oh well.

And, yes, I know that there's lots of work involved with being in a band, but it's still not a "real" job.
I love the way Khan sings, how much control and concentration he has, and how carefully he sings. It's his STYLE. That's the way he's comfortable on stage, and all the smiles on his face at the end of the set proves that he loves singing.

So you're wrong!

My opinion is, that I don't enjoy the man's performance style. How can that be wrong?
You talk as if you are so certain of what you're saying...Are you khan? do you know him/or if that what you're saying is really the case?

No I don't. I started my post with, "Am I the only one that noticed this guy "seemed" to really hate was he was doing", key word being "seemed".
SinDizzy said:
You talk as if you are so certain of what you're saying...Are you khan? do you know him/or if that what you're saying is really the case?

No I don't. I started my post with, "Am I the only one that noticed this guy "seemed" to really hate was he was doing", key word being "seemed".

Since you don't know how to properly do quoting on an internet message board, while don't you just quit and get a real job? :headbang: :p :headbang:
Barking Pumpkin said:
How personally some people take it when their favorite band is not liked by someone always amazes me.
You're getting it wrong. Let me explain it for you. The guy didn't say he didn't like Conception. The guy didn't say that he didn't like Khan. If he had said that Khan had no power in his vocals when he had to switch to head voice, I would have been the first to agree. If he had said that the Flow songs all kicked ass but the other material was fairly boring, I would have been the first to agree. But that's not what he did. He claimed special insight into the mind of Khan. He misinterpreted Khan's physical expressions. Then he got insulting and said that Khan should quit and get a real job. Some people may have decided to critice SinDizzy merely because he was talking shit out of his ass.

My post wasn't me defending my favorite band. I was just being an ass to show him how much of an ass he was. As an expert on the subjects of assholeishness and fuckheadery, I thought a demonstration might help.

Joe-× said:
No. I don't think so. I think he was catching his breath. That pained expression is his usual singing face. It's passion. Get a clue.


End of discussion. Khan sings with emotion.
He was really nice too.
Joe-× said:
You're getting it wrong. Let me explain it for you. The guy didn't say he didn't like Conception. The guy didn't say that he didn't like Khan. If he had said that Khan had no power in his vocals when he had to switch to head voice, I would have been the first to agree. If he had said that the Flow songs all kicked ass but the other material was fairly boring, I would have been the first to agree. But that's not what he did. He claimed special insight into the mind of Khan.
To be fair, he claimed no such thing. As he's since pointed out, he said, "didn't it seem". He was simply stating his opinion, on how he perceived Khan's stage presence.

Sometimes opinions are wrong, and this time, his is 100% inaccurate. All I am doing is pointing that out. I agree with Joe-x in his assesment of the situation. If you don't like the band or someone's singing style, that's fine, but Sin Dizzy, in his post, completely misinterpreted Khan's expressions and proceeded to insinuate that he quit his job and get a "real" one simply because he misinterpreted his expressions. There was no need for that comment; need I say more.
Speaking of Roy Khan,

I am very new to his projects. I was blown away by Conception this year. I would like to ask the board what CD recommendations you would make for Kamelot and any other groups that Roy is involved with.


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