Roy Khan

SinDizzy said:
Am I the only one that noticed that this guy seemed to really hate what he was doing? I mean, he would sing a line then hang his head and shoulders and act like it was just kiliing hime to be there. Dude, if you hate it that bad, then quit and get a "real" job, see how you like that.

Yep, I think you're the only one that thinks that SinDizzy! Apparently, that's Roy's vocal style.

By the way, did you get the screen name from the side project of Oz Fox and Tim Gaines? I'm just curious, because I've been a long time Stryper fan.
MeTuLHeD said:

I think he has loads of stage presence. Of course, it's subtle. Not like racing around and headbanging furiously and such. He's more like some of the "classic" singers of yesteryear who let the vocals and subtle expressions speak for them. Oh well. *shrug* Call me a fanboy. But the man has one of the most unique voices in metal music and just exudes emotion and feeling.

I agree completely. I think he's simply focused and intense in his own way, saving his energy and emotion for the vocals (which shows). And honestly, I'd much rather see that than the headbanging that other singers do.

Also, being in Kamelot full-time, but being on-stage Friday night with Conception (and getting such an AWESOME response from the audience), he may have been either (a) relishing the nostalgia of playing with Conception again, or (b) thinking "wow...this is really cool....maybe I should ditch Kamelot....or, better yet, front BOTH bands and make Conception a full-time band again."

I'm hoping for (b). :)
I was disappointed with his vocal performance last year, but he blew me away this year. If he can deliver like that he can do so wearing a clown suit inside a cardboard box for all I care.

- R
DRFS Rich said:
I was disappointed with his vocal performance last year, but he blew me away this year. If he can deliver like that he can do so wearing a clown suit inside a cardboard box for all I care.

- R

Yeah I agree, I was dissapointed with his Kamelot performance and thought he was much better this year than last
Sindizzy, you arent "wrong" in your opinion in any way. While you may interpret what Kahn's personal stage presence is as boring and "hating what he is doing", others see it as emotional and intense. I support the latter of the two interpretations. After having been involved with, and overhearing many other, conversations with Roy backstage over his performances at PP I think he is more comfortable singing Conception material than Kamelot's. I also think his stage presence fits the Conception vibe a bit better as well. To me, Kamelot needs that typical run around and make the audience scream the same thing, then divide them up and do chants while mimicking the guitar players solo's, leaning on their shoulders and spinning the mic stand while doing flips kind of front man. He was actually really into this performance from what I could tell as he came off stage. Just my opinion from the backstage vantage point.
SinDizzy said:
And, yes, I know that there's lots of work involved with being in a band, but it's still not a "real" job.

This mentality full on pisses me off. What, exactly, to you constitutes a "real" job? Sitting in a gophicle meandering away 8 hours of your day doing what someone dictates you do? Making the same amount of money each week doing the same thing every day? Come on, enlighten me... please.

I have more than one "real" job, and one of them includes making music. Not just in a band format, but in many formats. For the talents who work their asses off to sustain themselves and their families doing something they love, I say more power to them. It takes a LOT more than just "work" to make that happen. It takes support and more than a part of your soul. I've been busting my ass for most of my life to get to the point where music is my "real" job. It's people like you who put such a dark mark on this chosen path. For someone, such as yourself, to smart off with attitude like this is just rude. Although I believe you are entitled to your opinion, I am as well, and my opinion is that yours sucks. on "job" said:
A regular activity performed in exchange for payment, especially as one's trade, occupation, or profession.

Maybe not your restricted common society definition of *job* :loco: But it's a real job.
SinDizzy said:
Let's just say that his "stage Presence", or lack thereof, isn't my thing. Saw him with Kamelot and thought the same thing.

ive read people saying the same thing about CM, and i dont buy it with either band. and especially not Khan. stage presence??? what a joke. i could easily interpret Manticora's stage presence as ridiculous and not taking the music seriously just because Lars runs around on stage all crazy-like.but the fact is, thats his way of showing passion, and Khan clearly has his own way. and to say that to have "passion" you must have "energy" is just foolish. who told you this? or did you just make this rule up yourself? i didnt know there was any sort of set guidelines artists needed to follow to be considered "passionate," and if there are, i doubt you wrote them.
but Sin Dizzy, in his post, completely misinterpreted Khan's expressions and proceeded to insinuate that he quit his job and get a "real" one simply because he misinterpreted his expressions

It is possible that I mis-interpreted his expressions which is why I said, ""IF he hates it that bad"
Yep, I think you're the only one that thinks that SinDizzy! Apparently, that's Roy's vocal style.

By the way, did you get the screen name from the side project of Oz Fox and Tim Gaines? I'm just curious, because I've been a long time Stryper fan.

Apparently, I'm not the only one that thinks this as there are a few others that did agree with me.

Yes, I did get my sreenname from the band Sindizzy. They're not my favorite band, but I just thought it was a cool sounding name. I do LOVE STRYPER, though and will be going to see them at Earthlink on November 3.
Look, guys, all I was saying is that I don't really like his style, that's all. Perhaps I stated my opinion a little too strongly. For that I apolgize. I am amazed at how some people got so upset and mis-interpreted what I posted.
Section16 said:
Speaking of Roy Khan,

I am very new to his projects. I was blown away by Conception this year. I would like to ask the board what CD recommendations you would make for Kamelot and any other groups that Roy is involved with.


Section 16

Khan is currently in the band Kamelot..As for suggestions on Conception cds, its always debatable which one is the best to start with..I say start with "Flow" then "In Your Multitude", "Parallel Minds" then go for "The Last Sunset" (IMO it was a little more difficult for me to get into this at first, so its best if you get a feel for their music before hearing it)..:)

Hope that helps!! :)

sccaldwell said:
I agree completely. I think he's simply focused and intense in his own way, saving his energy and emotion for the vocals (which shows). And honestly, I'd much rather see that than the headbanging that other singers do.

Also, being in Kamelot full-time, but being on-stage Friday night with Conception (and getting such an AWESOME response from the audience), he may have been either (a) relishing the nostalgia of playing with Conception again, or (b) thinking "wow...this is really cool....maybe I should ditch Kamelot....or, better yet, front BOTH bands and make Conception a full-time band again."

I'm hoping for (b). :)

me too

that feeling of nostalgia must have appeared that friday night, at least a bit :)
MeTuLHeD said:

I think he has loads of stage presence. Of course, it's subtle. Not like racing around and headbanging furiously and such. He's more like some of the "classic" singers of yesteryear who let the vocals and subtle expressions speak for them. Oh well. *shrug* Call me a fanboy. But the man has one of the most unique voices in metal music and just exudes emotion and feeling.

Couldn't agree more!
Shadow_Angel said:
Khan is currently in the band Kamelot..As for suggestions on Conception cds, its always debatable which one is the best to start with..I say start with "Flow" then "In Your Multitude", "Parallel Minds" then go for "The Last Sunset" (IMO it was a little more difficult for me to get into this at first, so its best if you get a feel for their music before hearing it)..:)

Hope that helps!! :)

Right on! Thank you for the suggestions. I did manage to pick up Conception's "Parallel Minds" and "In Your Multitude" at ProgPower. Both CDs are getting high rotation. I'll keep an eye out for "The Last Sunset" and "Flow."

I was at my local Best Buy today and picked up the latest Symphorce "Godspped." I looked for the new Kamelot, but they had zero in stock.

Thanks again for the reply!

Section 16
Mag 9
I think Roy Kahn is an awesome frontman, He seemed real cool over by the signing table as well, taking pics and having a few beers after they were all signing and he didnt seemed bored to be there. IMO if he was really bored with the music scene or his music in general he would have ran away after their signing time was done but he was there with the other members of Conception just shooting the shit . He just has a different style, Andy from Symphorce is all over the stage, headbanging in between every versus. I dont know enough about Kahn to really have a huge opinion one way or the other, I do know I enjoy his music and love seening him live on stage