Roy Khan

I'll say this from having watched Spinal Tap last year and Conception this year:

Roy's an old school CROONER, more in the style of Tony Bennett or Mel Tormé or a contemporary like Sealhenry Samuels. If he gets a clue about how to make a solo album, it should be in a piano-bar or jazz standards style. Actually, Geoff Tate's solo album isn't that far off the mark. Although Geoff was stuck between rock and hard plaxce in keeping a "hard rock" form

So, with that in hand, he was more likely shamed to be with Spammalot, who play a style totally unsuited to Kahn's vocal talents, than with Conception.
It's interesting, I was off to the side, watching both the audience and conception. I was rather tired, and I didn't know their music well enough to put forth the effort of being an active member of the audience. But from what I saw, Khan (and the other band members) were trying to unsucessfully get the audience excited. The response from the audience wasn't very encouraging, and although I think Khan puts everything he has into his vocals, I actually think he shows off a little too much. But that's my opinion. I still think he's one of the best though.

As for comparing him to The lead singer of Maniticora... Please... stop. *laughs* You can't compare them. They are completely different. I have to admit though that Lars isn't the best singer in the world, but he fits the music.

Oh, and it's Grammar. I don't claim to be a Grammar/spelling Nazi. But if you nitpick, make sure you do it right.
In case anyone cared, even though if the music is good, stage performance doesn't matter, I didn't think there was any lack in energy or movement, etc. in Khan's performance.
13ShadesofGray said:
This mentality full on pisses me off. What, exactly, to you constitutes a "real" job? Sitting in a gophicle meandering away 8 hours of your day doing what someone dictates you do? Making the same amount of money each week doing the same thing every day? Come on, enlighten me... please.

I have more than one "real" job, and one of them includes making music. Not just in a band format, but in many formats. For the talents who work their asses off to sustain themselves and their families doing something they love, I say more power to them. It takes a LOT more than just "work" to make that happen. It takes support and more than a part of your soul. I've been busting my ass for most of my life to get to the point where music is my "real" job. It's people like you who put such a dark mark on this chosen path. For someone, such as yourself, to smart off with attitude like this is just rude. Although I believe you are entitled to your opinion, I am as well, and my opinion is that yours sucks.

:headbang: :worship: :headbang:
Will someone please de-claw these cats?
Gee, everybody gets up in arms about crazy shit around here. Okay, so SinDizzy doesn't like Khan's performance. Does that change the views of anybody who did like Khan's performance? I personally don't give a flying fuck what anybody else thinks. I went absolutely apeshit during Conception's set. I waited seven years to see that band, as I fell in love with "Parallel Minds" when I first heard it in 1998. Though I have to admit that Khan is too young to be losing his highs, I felt like he gave it his all that night. I also believe that his stage presence is one of the things that makes him unique. I'm a singer myself, and Khan's work with Conception is actually a big influence on my style of singing. Does anybody agree with me? Do I really care whether or not they do?
On a side note, I do believe that being a professional musician is a real job. For one, you're getting paid based on your performance. Second, it's more physically demanding than one would think. Third, it requires creativity and skill. Believe it or not, there are people in the so-called real workforce who don't put nearly as much effort into their work as some musicians. Whoever said it isn't work obviously never so much as touched an instrument.

Stay metal. Never rust.
BenMech said:
I'll say this from having watched Spinal Tap last year and Conception this year:

Roy's an old school CROONER, more in the style of Tony Bennett or Mel Tormé or a contemporary like Sealhenry Samuels. If he gets a clue about how to make a solo album, it should be in a piano-bar or jazz standards style. Actually, Geoff Tate's solo album isn't that far off the mark. Although Geoff was stuck between rock and hard plaxce in keeping a "hard rock" form

So, with that in hand, he was more likely shamed to be with Spammalot, who play a style totally unsuited to Kahn's vocal talents, than with Conception.

dude, out of all the deragotory names you can come up with for Kamelot, you pulled that one out :erk:

here is a short list:

Spammalot :err:

Although I am a huge Kamelot fan I do agrre that Khan was able to use more of his vocal talents in Conception. I also think it would be pretty intersting to hear what his solo album would be like, considering he rarely writes music (just lyrics as far as I know) and he has some eclectic influences.
Doesn't Khan smoke on a regular basis? Perhaps this could be the cause of the frequent "breath catching" that some are interpreting as disinterest?
Actually i can't really add that much to this discussion since i had to miss this year's PP like i missed PP2 as well. From what i heard he was the highlight of PP2 and to be honest i can't say it was like that last year.

maybe it's just that i wanted to post this pic of Roy to add at least 'something' to this thread and to please at least a few people who i had to disappoint for not being there and shooting some pics!


Kahn at the gig in Zoetermeer during the Euro tour a couple of months back.

Havermout said:
Actually i can't really add that much to this discussion since i had to miss this year's PP like i missed PP2 as well. From what i heard he was the highlight of PP2 and to be honest i can't say it was like that last year.

maybe it's just that i wanted to post this pic of Roy to add at least 'something' to this thread and to please at least a few people who i had to disappoint for not being there and shooting some pics!


Kahn at the gig in Zoetermeer during the Euro tour a couple of months back.


goeie pic man, ben je geen conception fan, dat je dit jaar niet naar progpower bent geweest?
Most of the ProgPower "golden throats" are chain smokers, which makes ZERO sense to me. I know Geoff Tate was a slave to the tobacco industry forever. Ray Alder too
Well that would certainly explain why Geoff Tate has lost his range. He sounded pretty pathetic trying to hit the high notes on their last tour.
I don't know that many singers these days are smokers. I know Timo Kotipelto and Tarja don't smoke. Pretty sure Urban Breed doesn't smoke.

Perhaps we should take a poll of the best singers somehow.
Urban does not smoke (or drink). Khan does and so does Russell Allen. Take it for what you will.
BenMech said:
Most of the ProgPower "golden throats" are chain smokers, which makes ZERO sense to me. I know Geoff Tate was a slave to the tobacco industry forever. Ray Alder too

So is Fabio Lione. :cry: